Saturday, August 17, 2024

2017 ChenYuan Hao Bai Cha Yuan: Spaced Out Body Floats!

 I purchased a sample of this 2017 ChenYuanHao Bai Cha Yuan from in my last order after sampling the 2023 ChenYuan Hao BaiChaYuan and becoming enamoured by its bubbling chest bodyfeeling and strong mind pausing Qi!

Dry leaves are a very piercing fine sweet candy purfume…. Delicious….

Rinsed leaves have a sweet cherries and plum odour.

First infusion has a clear pure watery fluffy creamy sweet almost developing into a perfume.  There is light long expansive faint airy creamy sweet taste that’s has this airy hard to grasp complexity to it that is mainly in the odour.

Second has a creamy fluffy sweet slight woody taste to it.  With a deep throat breath sweetness of cherries and creamy sweetness.  Wet mouth with a stickiness and deep throat stimulation.  Spacy head feeling.  With a spacy body disconnecting floating high.

Third infusion has a pure fruity sweet pear creamy fluffy taste oily wet mouth with lingering cherry sweet deep throat opening and breath. Spacy floating high.

Fourth has a sweet pear creamy pure onset with a watery mouthfeeling.  Spacy floating bodyfeeling.  Deep throat breath faint pear / cherry sweetness.  Spacy heady feeling.

Fifth infusion is left to cool and is a woody watery pure taste.  There is some cool woody finish and spacy floating bodyfeel.

Sixth infusion is a pure woody bland slight sweet taste.  There is a creamy almost fruity sweet taste under the bland woody.  Sticky sort of dry tugging mouthfeel.  Spacy floating.

Seventh infusion has a clear pure taste bland woody slight wet mouth sort of sticky slight dry feeling.  Oliy with a deep throat opening m.  Spaced out high feeling.

Long mug steeping of spent leaves has an oily woody bland taste with faint edges of barely sweetness.  Sweet almost cherry and floral breath odours. Sort of resin woody cherries.  Sticky dry mouth slight pucker.

This one is about the pure clear profile and deep throat breath but mainly the floating bodyfeeling and spacy high! I like this area for its refined Qi experience for sure!



Peter said...

"Enamoured " is a lovely word to see on your blog.


Matt said...

It’s just a recent area discovery that I find I quite enjoy!