Saturday, August 10, 2024

2015 Xin Le Tang: Smoke and Oh So Sweet!

I really like these non-Zheng Si Long and non-Fang Ming Yuan sourced puerh by Tea Encounter… they are very picky when it comes to these.  I think they have only offered three?  I somewhat regret not picking up any of their 2003 YuanJiuTang Ban Zhang mainly because it’s one of the oldest cheapest puerh with noticeable Ban Zhang character in its taste.  I also ended up picking up a few of these 2015 Nannuo Duo Yi Zhai cakes.

This 2015 Xin Le Tang goes for $105.06 for 357g cake or $0.29/g but I got this as a free sample a year or two ago.  

Dry leaves have a very sweet airy creamy fruity odour.

Rinsed leaves have a moderate smoky bbq note with sweetness behind it.

First infusion has a sweet metallic smoke bbq light airy sweetness.  Mouthwatering delicious floral buttercup taste.  Has a Menghai Nannou sort of profile with a long sweet sugar finish.  Northern Menghai region.  It’s really delicious to me right off the bat!

Second infusion has a sugary icing sugar with a very familiar smoky bbq taste no char just subtle smoke over the sweet notes.  Tastes like a Bama area puerh I had decades ago.  Reminds me of Beijing storage. Sweet is buttery sugar.  Sticky sandy mouth feeling with sweetly gums.  Long sweet. 

Third infusion is left to cool and has a creamy sugar sweet taste with developing sweetness buttery sweet taste sugars.  Smoke but never char throughout.  Chest beats and relaxed energy feeling. 

Fourth has a cream sweet oily sugar taste with a veil of smoke.  Mouthfeel is oily and wet lots of saliva producing with sweet notes left in the mouth.  Happy feeling with some energy generating. Cooled down its harms this really deliciously butter sweet sugar honey slight cooling throat and long sweet with background smoke…. I really like the taste!

5th is left to cool and has a sweet creamy honey sweet taste with background smoke.  Very comfortable in the body.  Creamy fluffy soft fine sandy mouthfeel with slight oily taste.  Long honey creamy sweet finish.

6th is left to cool and is very sweet buttery honey oily onset very delicious with some elbow tingling and happy slight energetic qi feeling.  Lots of saliva producing wet mouth long honey sweetness.  Happy feel good.

7th left to cool is a woody resin chocolate honey sweet taste with oily mouth salivating.  Happy energy uplift.  Comforting body feel.

8th has a resin woody oily with a chocolate lubricating sandy feel.  Laura of honey and coco.  Happy uplifting.

9th has a smoke and honey onset with an oily coco slight woody finish.  Really yummy! Happy uplifting.

10th is left in the cup overnight and is a sweet caramel layering there is a slight bitter coco finish.  Long sweet caramel.

11th I steep the next day and it is a sweet juicy fruity pop of salivating sweetness.  There is some layered honey and coco.

12th left it in the pot for a few more seconds …has a smoke onset with slight bitterness and sweet juicy fruity honey underneath.  

The long mug infusion brings out the smoke and it is quite oily and sweet underneath buttery creamy sweet turning into coco sweetness. Happy Qi sensation.

Overall a very traditionally processed very nice sweet and smoke balance with great mouthfeel and happy energy!

I checked on the site after taking these notes and this is actually from Lincang which explains its buttery sweetness!

I like it!


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