Tuesday, August 6, 2024

2016 Zheng Si Long Yaoding Gushu: Sleepy Tranquilizer

This 2016 Zheng Si Long Yaoding Gushu goes for $208.77 for 400g cake or $0.52/g.  It was given to me as a free sample for review last year but I’m just getting to it now back-to-back with the 2016 Zheng Si Long GeDeng last post

Dry leaves have a woody creamy sweet candy cereal odour.

Rinsed leaves have a sweet raisin prune odour with lighter creamy sweet underneath.

First infusion has a creamy sweet candy plum taste.  There is an initial pop of plum sweet then a return of creamy candy plum.  

Second infusion has a juicy pear pop of seeet taste with a strong return of juicy fruity candy creamy sweet.  Nice oily texture costs the mouth.  Cooled down it is a dried plum creamy sweet taste and almost woody finish.  Soft mouthfeel with slight oily texture.

Third infusion has dried plum initial with a woody mid profile and sweet finish. Relaxing energy.

Fourth infusion has a spicy woody plum and slight juicy fruity pear taste.  There is this spicy woody sort of dried fruity paper taste.  Sort of complex.  Relaxing and calming mind.

Fifth has a sweet woody spicy paper taste with a bland paper with sweetness emerging underneath.  Sweet tries to punch through in the returning taste with a sweet lingering pear taste in the mouth and saliva.  

Sixth infusion has a spicy woody bready pear onset with a bland sandy slight puckering mouthfeel.  Pear creamy sweet chalky cooling almost candy finish minutes later with a sandy dry gripping mouthfeel.

Seventh spicy paper woody pear onset with a slight spicy papery forest pear finish.  Slight sandy mouthfeel with deep relaxing space out.  Head floating feeling.

Eighth has a woody spicy papery pear sweet bland almost but not really bitter in a slightly dry and slight griping but mainly sticky feeling in the mouth.  Warming face and spacy floating mind is strong now.

Ninth is left to cool and is a sweet spicy woody slight bitter bland with sandy sticky slight dry picker mouth and lingering pear sweetness with dry woody.  Deeply relaxing and a bit sleepy.

I run out of time in my day but the next morning I do a few more flash infusions and it is a sweet sort of prune watery woody spicy tasting with sticky mouthfeeling.  There is a woody dirt prune that balances a cooling pungent taste.  

I long mug steep out the rest… its has a sweet date pure sort of taste with a tight sticky mouth with sugar edges.  There is a woody bitter bland taste in there as well.  Spacy and sleepy Qi refers me useless today.

The overnight infusion of spent leaf yields a sweet juicy plum taste with some faint woody mid profile and long sweet plum and candy finish with a tight squeaky mouthfeeling.  There are edges of coco and pure syrup and a soapy grape taste.  Lots of complexity when pushed like this.. Still lots of sleepy Qi in here as well! 

I felt sleepy and relaxed today drinking this tea!  Drinking this back to back with the 2016 Zheng Si Long GeDeng it is apparent that this Yaoding was stored longer in China than the GeDeng which comes off greener.


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