I got this sample free for review but 2023 ChenYuan Hao TianMenShan goes for $784.00 for 357g cake or $2.20/g. This is another area that has become crazy expensive lately and to tell you the truth there is this mystique surrounding this area, unlike others, that casts its spell on even quite famous puerh producers. The oldest trees in the area seem to be difficult to obtain and they seem to be marketed in such a way that projects that even the producers feel honoured and maybe lucky to get them.
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
2023 ChenYuan Hao TianMenShan: Beautiful Piling On Sweetnesses
Saturday, October 28, 2023
2023 ChenYuan Hao Yibang: Clear Pure YiBang
This is another free sample from review but this 2023 ChenYuan Hao YiBang goes for $300.00 for 357 g cake or $0.84/g.
Thursday, October 26, 2023
2023 Tea Encounter Nanma Gushu: Heavy Header
According to the Tea Encounter website Nanma is an area of Laos just across the border from GuaFengZhai. This would make it the third Laos production from Tea Encounter over the years. All three seem to focus on the area around GuaFengZhai/Laos but they are all very very different puerh. The 2019 Tea Encounter Laos is a Xiaoshu GuaFengZhai and Gushu Laos blend and has the most as far as the depth of the blend goes. The 2022 is a Xiaoshu TianMenShan Gushu Laos blend (which I sampled following this tasting) and has a juicy oily profile. This year is a single area Gushu from Laos…. and it’s by far the best of the three! I’ve read Alex’s excellent review but I enjoyed this puerh significantly more than him, I think.
Sunday, October 22, 2023
2023 Tea Encounter Gua Feng Zhai Chaping Gushu: Enlivening Chest, Expansive Mind
Thursday, October 19, 2023
2023 ChenYuan Hao Cha Wang Shu: Top Tier ChaWangShu!
This 2023 ChenYuan Hao Cha Wang Shu goes for approx $784.00 for 357 g cake or $2.20/g. Cha Wang Shu is one of my favourite puerh producing areas so I was really looking forward to this free sample…
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
2023 ChenYuan Hao Bai Cha Yuan: Complex Mind Slow
It has been a brilliant week of 2023 GuaFengZhai area Gushus…. But the first one I was eggar to try was from an area of Northwestern GuaFengZhai called Bai Cha Yuan which I first heard about from this post of Alex’s here. It’s always exciting to try puerh from new areas… but new GuaFengZhai sub-areas are more fun. This is another complimentary sample but this 2023 ChenYuan Hao Bai Cha Yuan goes for approx $784.00 for 357 g cake or $2.20/g.
Dry leaves have a woody slight barnyard pungency to them. Faint icing sugar sweetness is not that obvious.
The wet leaves smell sort of grassy and mineral slight fruity sweet.
First infusion has a warm spicy peppery pungency in watery broth. Subtle fruity faint edges in the far distance. Slight sticky mouthfeel.
Second is left to cool and gives off a pungent spicy watery onset with an expanding sweetness. There is some faint gamey note initially in there as well then returns with a very ghostly banana sweetness under a sticky mouthfeel. There is a chest bubbling feeling in the body and a bit mind slowing Qi.
Third infusion has a slight watery warming pungent almost barnyard start with glimpses of melon and almost potato and flowers. Lots of subtle complexity. The mouthfeel is a fairly present gripping stickiness. The returning taste is melon creamy with long cooling breath and mind slowing Qi. Mind stopping effect is strong. Chest expanding and lightness. Melon forest breath.
Fourth infusion has a watery forest sweet taste with an increasingly stronger mouth feel. There is a mainly watery forest taste up front with a peppery spice mid taste and some sweeter melon creamy sweet with cool breath finish. The mouthfeel is start to finish all coating with a sticky gripping lips drying feeling. Qi has a mind slowing feeling.
Fifth infusion has a woody watery almost barnyard forest taste with some sweet edges and cooling in the aftertaste. Slight rubbery aftertaste and mind slowing spacy Qi. Sticky lips drying mouthfeel.
Sixth has a watery rubbery taste no more sweetness really just faintly following the cool breath. Open chest and light limbs with spacy mind slowing.
7th is a long thermos steeping… hour later it is a barnyard juicy melon pungent Forest woody tasting puerh. With sticky dry lips. Some mild puckering. Spacy mind Qi.
2023 ChenYuan Hao Chen Yiwu Chawang: Changing Tastes, Changing Qi
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
2023 ChenYuan Hao Ma Hei: Spacey Happy Euphoric Florals
Monday, October 16, 2023
2023 ChenYuan Hao Man Xiu: Etherial Peaceful
Sunday, October 15, 2023
2022 BiYun Hao Man Xiu: Got the Package!
2023 ChenYuan Hao Puerh Tasting and Website Launch
After reading some of my reviews of Tea Encounter’s satisfying 2023 puerh line up, Paolo of Puerh.uk reached out to me. He wanted to see if I wanted to sample the 2023 puerh line up of a rather famous producer- ChenYuan Hao. Puerh.uk has been selling more and more ChenYuan Hao, a puerh brand that he pretty much used to launch Puerh.uk a few years ago. Some of the older Chenayuan Hao cakes that I purchased from Paolo back then are some of my favourite cakes( here and here). Over the last half year they have began to offer more and more newer Chen Yuan Hao offerings which had definitely caught my attention.
However, the very generous offer of a sampling of the ChenYuan Hao’s 2023 line up is not a Puerh.uk offering. This is how Paolo explains it:
So this is sort of a continuation as of late of some boutique puerh vendors setting up shop in the West or at the very least offering their full line ups on English sites. ChenYuan Hao, I believe, had some sort of arrangement with KL Wong of TeaPals and was offering the line up for a few years a fews years back. He still has some up for sale on his site. Anyhow…
Get ready for some great reviews of this stuff if you also were lucky enough to sample these feel free to leave your comments here. If you are interested in trying some of this 2023 ChenYuan Hao bug Paolo and see if he has any left of his 100g sample cake to dole out.. haha
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Puerist Dragon Ball Blind Sample #5
Dry leaf smells of very peachy fruity sweet smells.
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Puerist Dragon Ball Blind Sample #4
Dry leaves have a Smokey subtle tobacco less creamy sweetness.

Monday, October 9, 2023
Puerist Dragon Ball Blind Sample #3
Dry leaves smell of delicious slight Smokey creamy sweet reminds me of Yiwu.
Another area of tea gardens in Xiao Meng Song :) This time in an area that is above where the old village lay and which was subsequently inundated by the shui ku, or reservoir, when a dam was built.
The new village was built some way below the dam and the easiest way to get to the tea gardens now is on a bamboo raft. That means folks don't bother to go there often with the consequent result that the gardens are better/less managed.
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
2018 ChenYuan Hao Bingdao Dragonball
I purchased this very expensive 2018 ChenYuan Hao BingDao Dragonball ($35.00 for 8 g) from Puerh.uk in hopes it contains a very good BingDao session and was not disappointed.