I believe this 2004 Yang Qing Hao Teji Pin sample was taken out of Yang Qing Hao’s storage the year it sold out in 2021. I sampled this a long with a sample that had three years of North American storage at that time in a post here. I will retaste today simply to see how it’s (poorly) aging in my too cold/dry storage but mainly to compare to the other top favourites the 2004 Yang Qing Hao Dingji YehSheng and the 2004 YangQing Hao Zhencang (also sold out in 2021) with some discussion to follow on preferences/ favourites/ strengths and weaknesses…
Dry leaves have a slight sweet bready odour.
The rinsed leaves have an icing sugar sweet odour.
First infusion has a clear pure woody watery onset that returns as this pure icing sugar sweet taste. Long icing sugar sweet aftertaste. Tinging body and face with deep focus.
Second infusion is a sweet icing sugar pure elegant sweetness. Long icing sugar sweet taste watery with no much Yang Storage nuances yet but subtle. Long sweet almost candy but mainly icing sugar sweetness pops and has a long lingering aftertaste of sweet taste. Big Qi feeling of head floating and flushing chest sensations and hands numb.
Third infusion has a hay and icing sugar onset with a long sweet icing sugar pure finish. The mouthfeel is mossy and doesn’t interfere with the pure sugary ethereal taste and feel. Qi is big with a floating head and face and hand tingling. Spacy relaxing warm brow.
Fourth is a woody onset with a sweet icing sugar that emerges ebbs and flows into the aftertaste. The mouthfeel is slight sticky dry here. Some wet mouthwatering.Qi has a big focused floating head feeling. Relaxed focus. Open chest numb face and hands.
5th is left to cool and is a bit melon sweet with woody pure clear taste. Slight dry sticky mouthfeel. Face Qi feelings. Stronger focused relaxation.
6th is also left to cool and gives off icing sugar sweetness there are some bready sweetness. Lots of sweet sugar and sweet bread. Long sweet finish. Relaxing focusing. Face flushed and head floating feeling.
7th has an almost sour sort of fruity sweetness , sour white grapes taste, with faint woody background a slight dry mouth. Creamy Sweetness on the dry tongue. Very relaxed and mind slowing. I was feeling productive under the qi influence at the beginning but now I’m a bit lethargic from it hours later.
8th has a sour woody taste that is not as sweet with a silty mouthfeel. Woody sour taste with not much sweetness. Mild silty dry mouthfeel. Very relaxing lazy Qi.
9th is a long mug steeping… it has a woody slight dirt slight root beer taste… There is an almost red wine dirt taste.… mainly a woody dirt taste. There is a creamy sweetness under the wood. Dry throat and mouthfeeling. Dry dirt taste is not super tasty but the Qi is still quite nice with more chest feeling and sensations. Some tingling hands and elbows less floating feeling now. The mouthfeel is quite dry here.
After drinking the big 3 Yang Qing Hao in three consecutive days these are some of my conclusions…
Qi…. All are really good… First of all, I really liked the Qi of this Tieji. I liked it three years ago and like it now. To me the Qi of Teji Pin is of higher quality and just makes me feel better than the other two. I sampled all at work and had this happy focused vibe with some enjoyable body feelings with the Teiji pin. The Zhencang made me feel more stoned and had a more simple bodyfeel out of the three but still strong and foating happy stoned feeling still of good quality and complex but more narrow and pointed. The Dingji YeSheng has a very complex Qi sensation that does a lot all at once and is simultaneously excitatory and deeply relaxing and a whole lot of other things- there is lots happening with it and I like the wild ride quit a bit but at work it was a bit much and left me feeling pretty stoned that day.
The taste of the Zhencang is the best out of the three offering excellent resin Yiwu tastes at its finest and the processing of this cake seems to have given it an edge over the others. Dingji has some harsher or rougher elements of bitter astringency that can sometimes emerge from the blend that the others don’t have. To me this is a benefit and part of the dynamic nature of this one.
The storage taste/ processing and weaker stamina of the Teiji Pin weakens my enjoyment of it a bit this is the most elegantly sweet icing sugars tasting of the bunch but the stronger storage does not do it well and it eventually much more quickly than the others descends into that Yang Storage base taste of as I describe it above as “woody slight dirt taste”. However, as I said three years ago, I’m convinced I would have caked it regardless for its 400$ price tag.