Thursday, July 25, 2024

2024 Tea Encounter Heishuilangzi: Comfortable Quenching Peaceful Uplift

This 2024 Tea Encounter Guafengzhai Heishuiliangzi goes for $114.49 for 250g cake or $0.46/g.  This is a complimentary sample for review- thanks!  This is one of two gardens of Guafengzhai that t I have not previously sampled the other being the 2024 Tea Encounter Guafengzhai Baishahe of last post.

Dry leaves have a strong piercing cooling pungent odour.

Rinsed leaves have a pungent forest gamey barnyard odour.

First infusion has a creamy milky buttery sweet forest with slight barnyard and forest complexity.  Creamy and milky with mainly forest barnyard and buttery sweet taste. Expanding peaceful feeling.

Second has a forest pungent cooling buttery taste with soft oily mouthfeel with sticky throat.  There is a lingering floral throughout and in the odour of the leaves now as well.  Subtle hard to find candy returning in the aftertaste with some deeper thrust sensation and salivating.

Third has a pungent spice forest slight barnyard with a floral buttery sweet taste.  The mouthfeel is nice with some throat stimulation and stickiness and oily texture.  The roof of mouth is dry lots of elements to the mouthfeel.  There is done saliva producing as well with almost melon candy under the denser complex forestry tastes.  Expanding peaceful feeling eyes feel blurry limbs light.

Fourth has a pungent barnyard forest warm spice taste there is a nice layered mouthfeel with oily wet texture with a sticky throat and mid throat stimulation with salivation and slight dry roof of mouth taste. Subtle bitterness in the mix and the sweetness is behind spicy and savoury forest now.

Fifth infusion and a buttery pungent forest slight spicy mild bitter onset with a juicy fruity pop returning with oily texture and mouth salivating.  Peaceful expanding feeling with light limbs.  Dense forest taste with buttery sweetness underneath.  Some dry roof and gums with sticky throat and stimulation.

6th has a watery pungent sweet buttery taste with an oily wet mouthfeel some mild throat stimulation and salivating.  Sweet floral cooling pungent finish in the mouth.  Mild Peaceful awake feeling. Light limbs.

7th has a pungent spice with a buttery floral sweetness underneath. Nice oily texture with a sticky feeling underneath with a fruity candy trying to return in the mouth.  Light limbs and peaceful energy boosting.

8th has a pungent spice onset with a savoury disposition now.  A bit bitter, a bit floral.  Very Sticky mouth feeling now.

9th has a pungent spice almost bitter, forest taste with a sticky slight pucker now mouth and throat feel with light limbs and a mild peaceful uplifting.

10th has a spicy pungent with savoury salty forest taste.  This one is definitely not as sweet as the others in the lineup. Some uplifting energy with light limbs and very comfortable bodyfeeling here. Some chest opening compounds but overall very soft in the body.

Long mug overnight steep of spent leaves is … a clear sweet refreshing pure taste there is fresh if forest lime with a mouthwatering sweet creamy building breath.. refreshing and pure vibe… faint ghostly long creamy almost candy finish… so nice.  Enough stamina I put it for a few day steeping and it’s a pungent oily lime sweet taste.  Very refreshing in this heat wave some sticky feeling and sugar and almost candy fruity finish… 


Monday, July 22, 2024

2024 Tea Encounter Baishahe: Thick Oily Full Textures

This 2024 Tea Encounter GuaFengZhai BaiShaHe goes for  $91.59 for 250 g cake or $0.37.  This is a complimentary sample of a specific GuaFengzhai garden…

Dry leaves have a light airy sweet sugar odour with a distant cooling pungent forest smell.

Rinsed leaves have a light airy minty spicy but mainly sugar sweet odour.

First infusion was left to cool down and has a pungent creamy surgar milky smooth taste.  Nice smooth oily texture with lots of thicker saliva producing.  Some deeper throat stimulation.  Forest cooling pungent left in the mouth.  Milky creamy. Slight high floating feeling with.

Second infusion has a spicy oily milky creamy sweet onset very oily and fills the mouth with oily dense saliva!  Milky viscus creamy.  Has a spicy forest onset with faint fruiy and potato complexity in the distance.  Cooled down it is a pungent forest spicy with creamy almost potato and floral.  Slight high feeling.  Shoulders float.  Bit of body floating.

Third infusion has a sweet and spicy taste with a smooth oily saliva producing effect. There is a creamy floral spicy pungent.  Mouthfeel is really oily, saliva, viscus and very enjoyable. High feeling with somebody float.

Four is left to cool and has a strong spicy pungent taste with a sweet lower tropical fruity taste.  The mouthfeel is dense and flavour thick.  High uplift feeling with a flora ting tingling body feel.  Shoulder float up.  

Fifth infusion has a creamy melon pungent/spice dense taste and feel. There is a thick oily denser mouthfeeling the throat is less in play here but you almost forget about it with all the salivating oily viscous mouth action.  Floral and melon and maybe potato for a sweet complexity in the dense flavour. High happy floating feeling.

Sixth infusion has a warming spicy onset with a dense sweet taste of tropical fruit, melon, potato, forest but mainly spicy.  Nice oily mouthwatering thick viscus mouthfeel.   High happy feeling with some strong chest beasts and lesser lingering creamy melon spice finish.

Seventh is a spicy melon sweet taste with a creamy oily mouthwatering thing. Sweet thick creamy melon, spice, forest creamy sweet dense taste.  Oily, mouthwatering creamy texture.  Happy high feeling with subtle body floating.

Eighth has a sugar sweet onset with the direction towards a melon forest spicy dense taste with some faint bitterness emerging.  Happy high feeling with some energy building.  Mouthfeel is more silty sticky now and less viscus and oily or milky.

8th is left to cool and has a slightly sour sweet potato melon forest complex dense taste and feel still but it has lost a lot of that oily creamy milky texture but still a nice thicker silty full mouthfeeling.  Happy high with chest beats and shoulder Qi.  Is more stimulating and energizing now.  

9th has a melon sweet oily onset with mouthwatering thick oily texture.  Slight forest, spice, potato, creamy sweet complexity with slight bitter edge.  Full mouthfeeling.  High happy energetic feeling.

The long mug steeping of spent leaves is oily and sweet with a thick chalky full mouthfeeling.  Lots of sweetness in here as well.  Full mouthfeel with a nice sweet taste with some complexity of florals and forest tastes.  Qi here is still strong and makes me feel a happy high feeling.  Heavy shoulders.  Thick rich fruity pops come and leave with the overall thick full sweetness.  Very salivating oily and quite satisfying. 

This was a puerh all about the thick layered oily textures and mouthfeels and how the sweetness interacts with it.  The happy high feeling is very much in line with GuaFengZhai feeling… so enjoyable this was one of my favourites of these samples!


Sunday, July 21, 2024

2024 Tea Encounter Yiwu Chun Lei: Stamina Slows Mind Sweet Pops!

This 2024 Tea Encounter Yiwu “Chun Lei” goes for $52.53 for 250g or $0.21/g.  I got this complimentary sample for review.  It is one of two secret garden puerh that Tea Encounter offered in their Spring 2024 release. I tried the 2024 Tea Encounter “Fei Cui” the day before this one. 

The Dry leaves have a very sweet salty sour forest odour.

Rinsed leaves have a very sweet bready pastry odour with interesting forest notes.

First infusion has a watery pungent barnyard with spice.  There is a mild sweet return.  The cooled down liquor is similar with a mild sweetness and warm spice with a sweet sugar return.

Second has a pungent warm spicy onset… reminds me of boarder tea or close to it.  With bread warm spice and sugar finish.  There is a sort of oily texture with sticky squeaky gums.  Long sweet finish linger in mouth. Spacy mind. Heavy head.

Third infusion has a spicy warm onset with cool pungency and sweet bread tastes.  There is a tanginess to it almost bitter with a slight gripping mouthfeel. There is some orange peel fruity taste in there too.  Overall a spicy warming and cooling pungency feels upfront.  There is a Heavy head with slow mind.

Fourth infusion has a pungent warm spice onset that is pretty upfront and strong.  Slight very mild bitter.  This is a unique taste but not Yesheng definitely tastes like border tea or close to the border.  The mouthfeel is strong and present and full with sticky gums slight sandy dry tongue and mild throat tugging. Heavy head feeling and slow thoughts slight sleepy.

5th is left to cool and has a spicy brassy fruity taste that is mainly warming spice.  Slight almost bitter and full mouthfeeling of gums and tongue dry squeaky.  Slight head heaviness and relaxing slow thoughts.  Heavy shoulders and head.  

6th has a spicy fruity bitter onset with a sort of wild flower or weedy taste.  Full mouthfeel with a sticky full sandy tongue and mouth.  Slight rubbery bitter finish reminiscent of a Yesheng with long cooling breath gripping slightly throat. Mind head heavy and heavy mind feeling.

7th has an almost floral spice bitter slight salty note.  Mouthfeel is full a bit oily texture with a slight gripping and squeaky gums and sandy slight dry mouth.  I like how present the mouthfeel is without being overbearing. Qi has a heavy slowing vibe to it. 

8th has a bitter slight floral low sweet taste with a slight spring gripping mouthfeel.  Full mouthfeel with more saltiness and savour coming out. Slow down Qi in here.

9th has a sweet pop initial with floral onset the bitter sweet balance is really nice here with a flat bland type mild bitterness that comes after sweet.  Mouthwatering effect cool breath. Lots happening in the initial taste with less in the finish with this puerh.

10th has a dry woody profile with that sweet pop juicy floral followed by bland bitter with a floral mouth finish.  Salty savoury in there too.  I really like these later infusions they are yummy to me.  Qi is a bit warming and building giving me less slowness and more peaceful stillness.

11th has a floral onset with a quick pop of sweetness then floral bitter bland.  Mouthwatering and floral delicious!  Mouthfeel is full slight dry sandy  tongue but never dry throat which makes it feel really engaging but not strangling.  Qi is a floating mind peaceful feeling.

I wanted to go longer with this one as it has great stamina and us getting better in these late sessions but run out of time in a day…

The long overnight mug steeping of spent leaves had lots left to enjoy- it is oily and spicy and salty.  There is a bright floral sunny sweetness underneath.  Lots of vibrancy still- great stamina in these leaves. The mouthfeel has a squeaky gums and subtle tight driness.  Really nice things going on with this one late in the session- I like this.  This puerh is a great value proposition considering its price tag.  It was one of my favourites of the sampling!

Vs 2024 Tea Encounter “Fei Cui”- these two are very different puerh- the “Fei Cui” has much deeper and refined qualities with long evolving layered sweet taste and deeper Qi but has poor stamina.  This “Chun Lei” is slow to start and has lots of change from the start of the session to the end.  It has a more complex and changing taste and energy and really good stamina.


2024 Tea Encounter Yiwu Fei Cui: Evolving Sweetnesses Focused Mind

This 2024 Yiwu “Fei Cui” goes for $222.24 for 200g cake.  It’s from a secret garden with the real area withheld so just named after a high quality jade “Fei Cui”.  I was must curious about this one so it’s the second complimentary sample I tried…

 Dry leaves have a vibrant hypnotic sweet tropical fruit pungent odour.

Rinsed leaves have a sweet almost bready sweetness with subtle barnyard sweet odours and pungent deep forest.

First infusion has a honey watery pungent with expanding honey and spice taste.  Tastes like something close to boarder tea.  Long expansive and evolving honey sweet profile subtle melon.

Second infusion has a honey candy pop with long evolving sweet taste where candy sweetness intertwines with honey tastes.  There is some faint cooling but lots of mouthwatering sweet taste.  Wet oily mouthfeel with roof of mouth cottony/ sticky feeling.  Deep throat opening.  Wow super delicious with engaging deep mouth and throat feels.  Strong visual acuity and calm clear mind.

Third infusion has a woody pungent sweet honey mouthwatering oily onset with a dense flavour presentation. Open deep throat with sticky constant roof of mouth.  Nice strong mind focusing energy. A deep happy enlivening feeling taking hold a deeper energy renew feeling.

Fourth has a creamy buttercup sweetness with a dense taste of forest vanilla subtle tropical tastes. Mouth watering.  Happy upbeat deep energy boost with increased focus and visual acuity.  Cooled down it is creamy pungent cooling silty smooth expanding and subtle thickening mouthfeel.  High happy feeling.

5th is left to cool and is a oily broth-like woody slight honey pungent.  The taste is a deeper denser taste with a faint bitterness.  Oily feel with a silty coating and sticky mouth roof.  Cool breath finish.  

6th has a watery honey sweet clear taste with a forest pungent buttercup taste.  Reminds me of GuaFengZhai a bit here.  Cool breath and sweet finish. With shoulders heavy and light focused happy mind.

7th has a woody melon taste with a sort of root veggie potato that I get from the Gua Feng Zhai area.  Mouthfeel is a sticky sandy full feeling and deep mild deep thraot opening.  Slight heavy shoulders with happy and focused mind.

8th is left to cool and is woody watery with a sweet melon forest taste some faint cooling pungent less deep in thaste and full in the mouth and throat.  Happy focused mind with mild heavy shoulders. A deep building up Qi feeling.

9th has a watery sweet bitter creamy buttercup forest woody taste.  Some salivating with a sticky full mouthfeeling with focus on deep throat opening and roof of mouth stickiness.

10th is left to cool and has a watery woody sweet sort of melon taste.  Sticky mouthfeeling.

The long mug steeping of spent leaves is pungent oily and slight bitter with a sticky feeling and slight drying with a mild astringency felt in the stomach.

Overall this reminds me a lot of GuaFengZhai and I would probably have guessed it somewhere from here as it shares some of its qualities and tastes profile and deeper Qi sensations and building up. The first part of the session sort of hints at boarder tea. The weakness of this one is its weaker stamina across the session.  I think cakes might now be sold out… that what the site showed before publishing this post…what’s not to love about a secret garden that presents like GuaFengZhai!?!?


2024 Tea Encounter Luoshuidong: Steady Sweet Reliable

I received this complimentary sample for review- this 2024 Tea Encounter Luoshuidong goes for  $160.95 for 250g cake or $0.64/g.  I was feeling like the energy of the classic LuoShuiDong let’s see if this one satisfies…

The dry leaves have a piercing strong pungent pineapple and tropical fruits odour! Mouthwatering!

The rinsed leaves are more fresh grassy with than sweet peach apple.

First infusion has a pure clear watery taste with a refreshing pungent grassy creamy almost tropical sweetness.  Relaxed slight spacy energy.

Second infusion has a faint candy sweet pop with spice onset.  Smooth mouthwatering wet mouth with quenching feeling.  Slight woody Forest taste underneath.  Wet mouth and saliva with slight mild chalky coating.  Some chest expansion and deep sighs. A relaxing mellow and quenching experience.

Third infusion has a pure watery sweet sort of mint because there is a returning cooling pungency.  There is a bit of chalky sandy coating and mouthwatering wet mouth.  Relaxing with chest release and deep sighs. Some slow chest beats and comfortable body feeling.  Slight spacy mind.

Fourth infusion is left to cool and is a fruity pungent forest sweet taste.  Sort of minty pungent. With a soft chalky mouthfeel and salivating.  Relaxing feeling with chest qi of slow beats and open chest and diaphragm feeling.

Fifth infusion has a sweet almost banana tropical with woody Forest taste and pungent cooling.  Sandy chalky feeling is mild with more of a wet salivation on top.  Relaxing with chest and diaphragm opening feeling slow chest beats relax. Slight spacy high. Some pungent woody Forest sweetness in the finish.

Sixth is left to cool and is a slight bitter sweet cooling pungent forest with soft mouthfeel. Fruity pungent woody frorest.  Cool finish slight soft sandy stick mouthfeel.  Can feel it subtle on the empty stomach but. Ice relaxing and chest and abdominal opening.  

Seventh infusion has a pungent woody Forest with very subtle bitterness.  Sticky lips and tongue deep spacy relaxing here with abdominal and chest open and light with slowing Heart beats.  The effect is welcome.

Eighth has a watery slight peachy tropical with woody Forest and pungent cool.  The mouthfeel is a bit sandy sticky now with lesser mouthwatering very faint bitterness but not astringent.  Nice relaxing effect with limbs slight light and chest and abdomen open.

Ninth infusion has a slight spice bitter woody Forest with woody pungent finish.  Slight hit to empty stomach with the bitterness.  Mouthwatering with sandy sticky mouth coating.  Relaxing spacy feeling with chest abdominal Qi.

10th has a bitter peachy woody Forest onset with a spice and cool pungent base.  The mouthfeel is sticky sandy and some wet feeling but less now.  Spacy relaxing continues and open front body. Slight light limbs and shoulders.

11th has a quick burst of sweet melon peach over a woody Forest and cooling pungent taste. Spacy relaxing feeling gives me a subtle clear minded peace. 

12th infusion has a spice pungency woody Forest taste with some oily wet feeling and mouthwatering still.  Nice spaced out relaxing things happening here. Open front body relaxed body feeling.

13th has a spicy woody Forest onset with very very mild bitter and slight dry sandy sticky mouthfeel.  Relaxing spaced out. 

14th has a watery spicy woody onset not much sweetness here.  Slight mild bitter slight dry sandy mouthfeel. Spacy relaxing continues with comforting body feel.

A long mug infusion of spent leaves is oily and mellow fruity sweet almost minty and a bit of woody.  Clear simple and satisfying in this way..

This session is very much what I was looking for today a relaxing space out that is comfortable in the body and puts the mind at ease…. Good ol LuoShuiDong… a classic Yiwu area is predictably satisfying as my first of the 2024 Tea Encounter’s offerings.


Saturday, July 20, 2024

2024 Tea Encounter Line Up


I really look forward to this every year! It’s my chance to try the freshes pressing of the seasons puerh from a vendor I know well- Tea Encounter!  This year they have a few secret garden offerings which is the first time they are doing that- I’m most curious about trying these and will try to give you a guess on them! They are the 2024 Tea Encounter Yiwu Fei Cui and the 2024 Tea Encounter Yiwu Chun Lei. They are also offering a 2024 Tea Encounter Tongqinghe Gushu first time they did this- I am most excited about this sample!  

Guafengzhai! I also look forward to trying some other micro areas of GuaFengZhai that they are offering- 2024 Tea Encounter.  Tea Encounter has a bit of specialization/ a good contact in GuaFengZhai so I’m looking to exploring an area outside of Chaping and Chawangshu with them this year with their 2024 Tea Encounter Guafengzhai BaiShaHe and 2024 Tea Encounter Guafengzhai HeiShuiLiangZi.  They also got some of my steady yearly favs in there too … from GuaFengZhai as well as from the other area they focus on in ManZhuan.

Join me as I sample these freshies…


Saturday, July 6, 2024

Big Gushu Qi: 2017 Green Mark Guo Gan

I remember having a really good blind session with a free sample of the 2019 Guo Gan sent from Paolo of a few years ago.  They ended up offering this 2017 Green Mark Guo Gan for approx $205.00 for 400g cake or $0.51/g.  This was a free sample for review…

Dry leaves have a dry sweet forest odour.

First infusion has a vibrant pungent spice forest taste.  There is a watery spicy taste with a sticky mouthfeel.  Spacy high begins.

Second infusion has a talc sweet berries taste with a salty finish.  Sticky mouthfeel and squeaky teeth.  Slight pucker.  Faint taste of pumpkin, spice, sugar.  Spacy strong  escape high. Strong space out Qi hits me hard.

Third infusion has cooled just a bit and has lime bitter sweet taste almost Carmel faint glimpses. The caramel is faint but lingers into the aftertaste. Big spacy high feeling. Limbs heavy feeling in body.

Fourth infusion has a bitter woody lime salty onset there is some faint caramel emerging in the aftertaste. Sticky mouthfeel with pucker. Very spacy high feeling with heavy limbs is a nice quality Qi feeling. The taste is a bit awkward here. Can feel it a bit on my empty stomach too.

Fifth infusion has a creamy caramel bitterness woody bland taste.  Very akward stage in its aging right now.  Cool breath and squeaky feeling in mouth.  A bit hard on my empty stomach.  Spacy night with light limbs but a bit distended stomach from the mild bitter astringency.  Sort of spicy warming spice aftertaste.

Sixth infusion has a watery sweet onset with an almost bitter bland floral dry taste.  Some wet feel over a sticky dry feeling face flush and deep sigh with spacy feeling.  Cool breath. 

7th has a watery juicy fruity oily taste not so much sweet but sort of buttery floral with cool breath.  Spacy high.

8th has a bland watery sweet taste with a sticky dry mouth deep spacy high with heavy limbs… 

I put the spent leaves in a long thermos infusion it’s fresh lime and melon oily and sandy.  Big qi very tasty here with hints of coco.  Qi really took me somewhere today!

This one is about the big Qi…. It seemed I liked the 2019 Guo Gan maybe a bit better than this one… not sure…

Alex (Tea Notes) Tasting Notes
