There is only one thing, from the very beginning, infinitely bright and mysterious by nature.
It was never born, and it never dies. It cannot be described or given a name.
Zen Master So Sahn
18 hours ago
a blog that is authored by Matt but is yours and the tea's as much as it is his
Any use of tea for medicinal purposes should be done with full consultation with a medical professional. The material on this blog (text and photos) is the intellectual property of the administrator of this blog. If you wish to use any of it, please ask permission. Citations or reference to text from this blog should be done with explicit reference to and/or a link to MattCha's Blog. Peace
Awesome! Congrats on starting a blog; I look forward to seeing your first posts.
Thanks for your enthusiasm and kind words.
I just discovered your blog and I'm quite enthousiastic surfing the different subjects you wrote about. Tea lover myself, I recently began to encounter the Korean Way of Tea by the web and your blog will definitely be part of the help for calming my appetite! Cheers!
One takes happiness in yours.
ah, The Mirror of Zen
wonderful text~
It's one's favorite Korean Buddhist work.
I have just finished a few days' reading of your blog all the way through. Much learning, much inspiration. Thank you so much.
Much peace to you.
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