Tuesday, October 22, 2024

2024 Puerh.uk YiWu Long Tan Qing

This 2024 Puerh.uk YiWu Long Tan Qing goes for Approx $253.00 for 200g cake or $1.27/g.

Dry leaves have a pungent evergreen sweet lingering odour.  

First infusion has a light creamy sweet taste.  Long uninterrupted creamy sugar.  Cooled down is icing sugar sweet pure taste.  Soft mouthfeel with creamy sweet sugar returns.  Creamy…. 

Second is oily sweet creamy pure soft oily mouthfeel pop of creamy return.  Smooth soft feeling in body. Peaceful clear mind.

Third infusion has a sweet grains soft mouthfeel with sweet grain finish.  Soft edges sticky mouthfeel. Peaceful easy bodyfeeling.  Some arms lightness. Cooled down is clear sweet sugar melon taste.  Sweet returns as icing sugar.  

Fourth has a viscus sweet taste with a sweet icing sugar return.  Soft mouthfeel.  Cooled down it comes off as sweet watery icing sugar with soft cool feeling.  Peaceful Qi mild in the mind with light limbs.

Fifth has a watery gentle sweet taste.  Cooled down it has a more melon sweet taste.  Sticky edges.  Faint cooling breath. Gentle and peaceful.

Sixth infusion has a watery woody faintly sweet taste.  Grains wood with background sweetness now.  Peaceful vibes gentle bodyfeeling.  Cooled down is a watery sweet sugar.

Seventh is left to cool for hours and is a watery clear sweet creamy taste with woody background slight grains taste.  Cool breath.  Peaceful gentle feeling. Sweet lingering melon sweetness minutes later.

The long mug infusion has a bitter soapy woody sort of muted floral with sticky mouthfeel.  Faint long woody sweet taste.  Peaceful waves of energy with chest opening feeling.

The days long infusion of spent leaves is a smooth trying to be creamy smooth sweet.  Icing sugar cool breath.  Sweeet icing sugar taste. 


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