Sunday, September 1, 2024

2024 Essence of Tea Ma An Shan: Sneaky Sleeper!


This 2024 Essence of Tea Ma An Shan goes for $478.00 for 200g cake or $2.39/g and is apparently a famous mountain in Wanggong in the protected forest area… a new sub area for me…

Dry leaves have a forest pungent slight barnyard odour.

Rinsed leaves have a sweet piercing sort of spice cake odour.

First infusion has a sweet icing sugar sweetness very pure not watery almost metallic edges oily texture with mid profile to background pungent forest and returns almost candy sweetness as it trails of in the aftertaste.  Mid throat depth and salivation.

Second has a pure clear icing sugar with hints of background forest almost barnyard.  Sweetness returns sweeter as an oily sort of fruity/candy taste.  Subtle spacy body and mind. Soft fluffy sticky mouthfeeling.  Mid throat depth.

Third infusion has a sweet icing sugar fruity oily pop of taste it returns more as a candy pungent finish.  The mouthfeel is a soft sticky.  Subtle spaced out body and mind.  Gentle Qi feelings.

Fourth has a fruity pear pop onset with an oily sugary taste.  There is some forest mid profile with cooling breath finishing sweet with the return of sugary taste. Sticky/ sandy mouthfeeling.  Open chest with subtle mind expanding feeling slight spaced out.

Fifth has a sweet fruity sugar pop initially then a slight woody forest.  There is a slight oily texture the returning sweetness and finish is more sugar sweet.  This infusion has a stickier/sandier mouthfeeling.  Mild/ moderate spaced out feelings.  Subtle heavy brow.

Sixth infusion has a sweet oily woody/subtle cereal onset they returns stronger as sugar sweetness.  Subtle bodyfeeling and brow heaviness. Oily texture with sticky/sandy mouthfeel underneath.  Nice mild space out with some body spaciness as well - but mild… brow heavy… comfortable body feel.

Seventh infusion is a woody spice sugar onset with a woody spice finish. Sticky sandy feeling in mouth.  Spacy quiet mind feeling.  With some brow heaviness/ some sleepiness here too.

Eighth left to cool is a woody sort of sweet slight bitter woody Forest.  There is a mild spacy feeling. Slight dry sticky sandy feeling with a grapefruit taste trying to push through. Not much throat action from this puerh.

9th is a slight buttery sweet oily woody taste still nice oily texture.  Buttery sugar forest finish with some faint spice.  Sticky mouthfeeling especially gums and roof of mouth.  Gentle spaced out with subtle bodyfeeling and heavy brow… slight sleepy.

10th has a mainly woody sticky/slight dry bland taste with still a mild oily texture.  Subtle body feelings…  the qi is getting stronger in a putting me to sleep way…

I put the spent leaves into a mug and do a long steeping… oily woody sugar sweet taste.  Dry woody sticky mouthfeel with oil. The overnight steeping after this is oily with a forest slight sweetness…. 

Overall a mild subtle puerh that is comfortable on the body.  Subtle spacy feeling that turns into a sleepy Qi mid way through the session.  Not very Wanggong in my experience of Wanggong but a soft smooth subtle puerh.

Alex’s Tea Notes


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