Sunday, July 21, 2024

2024 Tea Encounter Yiwu Fei Cui: Evolving Sweetnesses Focused Mind

This 2024 Yiwu “Fei Cui” goes for $222.24 for 200g cake.  It’s from a secret garden with the real area withheld so just named after a high quality jade “Fei Cui”.  I was must curious about this one so it’s the second complimentary sample I tried…

 Dry leaves have a vibrant hypnotic sweet tropical fruit pungent odour.

Rinsed leaves have a sweet almost bready sweetness with subtle barnyard sweet odours and pungent deep forest.

First infusion has a honey watery pungent with expanding honey and spice taste.  Tastes like something close to boarder tea.  Long expansive and evolving honey sweet profile subtle melon.

Second infusion has a honey candy pop with long evolving sweet taste where candy sweetness intertwines with honey tastes.  There is some faint cooling but lots of mouthwatering sweet taste.  Wet oily mouthfeel with roof of mouth cottony/ sticky feeling.  Deep throat opening.  Wow super delicious with engaging deep mouth and throat feels.  Strong visual acuity and calm clear mind.

Third infusion has a woody pungent sweet honey mouthwatering oily onset with a dense flavour presentation. Open deep throat with sticky constant roof of mouth.  Nice strong mind focusing energy. A deep happy enlivening feeling taking hold a deeper energy renew feeling.

Fourth has a creamy buttercup sweetness with a dense taste of forest vanilla subtle tropical tastes. Mouth watering.  Happy upbeat deep energy boost with increased focus and visual acuity.  Cooled down it is creamy pungent cooling silty smooth expanding and subtle thickening mouthfeel.  High happy feeling.

5th is left to cool and is a oily broth-like woody slight honey pungent.  The taste is a deeper denser taste with a faint bitterness.  Oily feel with a silty coating and sticky mouth roof.  Cool breath finish.  

6th has a watery honey sweet clear taste with a forest pungent buttercup taste.  Reminds me of GuaFengZhai a bit here.  Cool breath and sweet finish. With shoulders heavy and light focused happy mind.

7th has a woody melon taste with a sort of root veggie potato that I get from the Gua Feng Zhai area.  Mouthfeel is a sticky sandy full feeling and deep mild deep thraot opening.  Slight heavy shoulders with happy and focused mind.

8th is left to cool and is woody watery with a sweet melon forest taste some faint cooling pungent less deep in thaste and full in the mouth and throat.  Happy focused mind with mild heavy shoulders. A deep building up Qi feeling.

9th has a watery sweet bitter creamy buttercup forest woody taste.  Some salivating with a sticky full mouthfeeling with focus on deep throat opening and roof of mouth stickiness.

10th is left to cool and has a watery woody sweet sort of melon taste.  Sticky mouthfeeling.

The long mug steeping of spent leaves is pungent oily and slight bitter with a sticky feeling and slight drying with a mild astringency felt in the stomach.

Overall this reminds me a lot of GuaFengZhai and I would probably have guessed it somewhere from here as it shares some of its qualities and tastes profile and deeper Qi sensations and building up. The first part of the session sort of hints at boarder tea. The weakness of this one is its weaker stamina across the session.  I think cakes might now be sold out… that what the site showed before publishing this post…what’s not to love about a secret garden that presents like GuaFengZhai!?!?


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