Thursday, July 25, 2024

2024 Tea Encounter Heishuilangzi: Comfortable Quenching Peaceful Uplift

This 2024 Tea Encounter Guafengzhai Heishuiliangzi goes for $114.49 for 250g cake or $0.46/g.  This is a complimentary sample for review- thanks!  This is one of two gardens of Guafengzhai that t I have not previously sampled the other being the 2024 Tea Encounter Guafengzhai Baishahe of last post.

Dry leaves have a strong piercing cooling pungent odour.

Rinsed leaves have a pungent forest gamey barnyard odour.

First infusion has a creamy milky buttery sweet forest with slight barnyard and forest complexity.  Creamy and milky with mainly forest barnyard and buttery sweet taste. Expanding peaceful feeling.

Second has a forest pungent cooling buttery taste with soft oily mouthfeel with sticky throat.  There is a lingering floral throughout and in the odour of the leaves now as well.  Subtle hard to find candy returning in the aftertaste with some deeper thrust sensation and salivating.

Third has a pungent spice forest slight barnyard with a floral buttery sweet taste.  The mouthfeel is nice with some throat stimulation and stickiness and oily texture.  The roof of mouth is dry lots of elements to the mouthfeel.  There is done saliva producing as well with almost melon candy under the denser complex forestry tastes.  Expanding peaceful feeling eyes feel blurry limbs light.

Fourth has a pungent barnyard forest warm spice taste there is a nice layered mouthfeel with oily wet texture with a sticky throat and mid throat stimulation with salivation and slight dry roof of mouth taste. Subtle bitterness in the mix and the sweetness is behind spicy and savoury forest now.

Fifth infusion and a buttery pungent forest slight spicy mild bitter onset with a juicy fruity pop returning with oily texture and mouth salivating.  Peaceful expanding feeling with light limbs.  Dense forest taste with buttery sweetness underneath.  Some dry roof and gums with sticky throat and stimulation.

6th has a watery pungent sweet buttery taste with an oily wet mouthfeel some mild throat stimulation and salivating.  Sweet floral cooling pungent finish in the mouth.  Mild Peaceful awake feeling. Light limbs.

7th has a pungent spice with a buttery floral sweetness underneath. Nice oily texture with a sticky feeling underneath with a fruity candy trying to return in the mouth.  Light limbs and peaceful energy boosting.

8th has a pungent spice onset with a savoury disposition now.  A bit bitter, a bit floral.  Very Sticky mouth feeling now.

9th has a pungent spice almost bitter, forest taste with a sticky slight pucker now mouth and throat feel with light limbs and a mild peaceful uplifting.

10th has a spicy pungent with savoury salty forest taste.  This one is definitely not as sweet as the others in the lineup. Some uplifting energy with light limbs and very comfortable bodyfeeling here. Some chest opening compounds but overall very soft in the body.

Long mug overnight steep of spent leaves is … a clear sweet refreshing pure taste there is fresh if forest lime with a mouthwatering sweet creamy building breath.. refreshing and pure vibe… faint ghostly long creamy almost candy finish… so nice.  Enough stamina I put it for a few day steeping and it’s a pungent oily lime sweet taste.  Very refreshing in this heat wave some sticky feeling and sugar and almost candy fruity finish… 



Anonymous said...

What are the differences in taste between GFZ micro-lots such as this, Lengshuihe and Chawangshu? Also, will you be able to tell that a tea is from GFZ, and not Wangong?

Matt said...


Well I would only be based my it on a single sample of these micro lots but this HeiShuiLiangzi is closer to Wanggong than Chawangshu. I am somewhat confident that I can tell the difference between Wanggong and Chawangshu but someone has to send me them in blind and we could know for sure haha


Anonymous said...

I think it will be a good idea to provide some sort of characterization and distinction amongst the renowned micro-lots of Yiwu. Could be a fun exercise as well, for yourself and readers to tease out a "typical" Mahei, Gaoshan, Luoshuidong, Wangong, GFZ, Tongqinghe, Baihuatan, Yishanmo, Duoyishu and Tianmenshan. A list where we can contribute to describing what to expect when drinking something from that area. I'm sure its way easier if its single blind test vs a double blind where any puerh is given without any point of comparison. Then of course, this project can be expanded to other famous mountains.

Matt said...


Oooo… that sounds like a big project there! It’s somewhat complicated by the overlapping characteristics of these areas and the fact that sometimes they seem to lack any core character of that area at all due to a variety of reasons…. So it’s complicated but the more you try from the region and even comparing notes like Sub10 did with the 2024 TE Bai Sha He sampled a few posts ago is a good idea. I like reading Shah8 at Sheng of the Day Badger & Blade as he tries to distill a certain character of a new region.
