Dry leaves have a Smokey subtle tobacco less creamy sweetness.
The Rinsed leaves have a familiar rubbery first almost mushroom fruity odour.
First infusion 20 sec infusion has a watery sort of icing sugar sweetness with almost rubbery forest tasting base taste. Faint stickiness in the mouth. Maybe a “Forest Tea”. Subtle heady stuffy heady feeling.
Second 15 sec infusion has a tobacco rubbery sweet taste- definitely a Wild Puerh Yesheng Forest Tea with an icing sugar rubbery long taste. Stronger spacy mind Qi. Tastes family one maybe on of the Forest teas I’ve tried before from Puerist?
Third infusion 10 seconds has a subtle smoke with a watery rubbery onset ling rubbery floral forestry wild puerh taste. Strong chest beats and spacy mind.
Fouth is 5 seconds and is left to cool it gives off a rubbery subtle Smokey watery sweet floral breath rubbery floral with a slight stickiness and open faint cool throat with stronger mind spaciness. Heart beats.
5th has a watery woody light sweetness faint long cool breath. Some chest beats milder now with some spacey Qi.
I put the 6th into long overnight Thermos steeping…. A few hours later I try it and it’s watery pure slight rubbery floral slight woody. The next day is pretty rubbery woody watery oily tasting. Overall a touch sweet. There is a long cool returning breath.

Guess: I am pretty confident that this is a few years old 2018/19ish Wild Puerh (aka Forest Tea aka Yesheng) possibly from YiWu the area.
Wrapper Reveal: BW ‘16. Possibly stands for Bang Wai? Definitely not conventional ( non- wild) material BangWai if it is.
Mark Turner’s Reveal: So 2016 and Bang Wai but with a caveat: It was a few hundred grams sample from a friend who mostly gets tea from Shuang Jiang/Bang Wai area.
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