Happy Year of the Snake gentle readers…. Okay even rough readers as well!
It’s been a rather busy year for me here. All my many offspring are getting a bit older. There is a certain busyness that comes at this point in life where they still rely on you very much but yet they are starting to do many things outside the home. Work life is also busy… especially in the last half of the year where you see my posts drop off… work is where I get my evaluative sessions in and write ups used to occur napping young-in’s or rocking the babies…. Yes I’m that dad! But kiddies nap no more! I am propping up a sick sleeping coughing kid as I write which gives me just enough time for this post…
Boy did I have a nice run of the fresh stuff this year! Thanks vendors that sent some in to me. I went into the autumn with my fresh 2024 samples and had to drink aged shu daily to counter balance the cold energy from damaging my Spleen/Stomach.
Wow! James even dropped a few new articles on TeaDB. Congrats James on joining the League of Distinguished Tea Daddies! Haha….
My blog goals this year are to finish sampling and posting the Yang Qing Hao Re-Experiencing project thing I’ve been working on. It is my most important blog thing and I have given it a high priority to finish it before fresh samples start to arrive in my mailbox. I have a few really nice samples from Liquid Proust that I drank over the last month or so that I have to post. I have some really great ChenYuan Hao samples and some early Gushu stuff from Puerh.uk that are of second priority!
Yes I am drinking some amazing puerhs daily!! STILL! ! It’s mainly teas that are in my way or in my path.., I am not curating a specially selected puerh to drink… it’s the random stuff that I can reach for …. But I keep good company close by…. It’s scary how I can destroy a cake of very nice puerh without thinking twice!
I got some nice Yame Matcha that arrived last week and some friends coming down from Calgary that like drinking that stuff … so might post on how fun that is… not sure but there is a few matcha in there I have not sampled ever which I’m excited about!
Oh No…. I think the snake swallowed up some samples that were sent to me a week or two by a kind vendor! Canada post strike which was resolved over a month ago has made reviving packages even today… a bit more difficult than usual. But I’m actually not buying much…. The Canadian dollar was bad this year and I have not been buying…. Currently it is at all time lows because some other snake is putting on a joke of a performance… and I’m left wondering if our tea will be tariffed anytime soon?
Huh …. Let me meditate on that a little…