Saturday, October 26, 2024

2024 TianMenShan Single Extra Tall Ancient Tree #5

These were early samples so I’m unsure if this sample was this 2024 TianManShan Extra Tall Ancient Tree or this 2024 TianManShan Single Big Extra Tall Ancient Tree…. Was a nice experience…

Dry leaves have a deep rich cloying floral sweet candy odour.

Rinsed leaf has a sweet spicy candy odour.

First infusion has a sweet candy melon oily sweet taste.  There is a mid throat gob of saliva and return of a chalky creamy sweet taste.  Chest expanding feelings.  Brow and face warming.

Second infusion has a sweet oily fruity woody with amid throatiness.  Pear and peach family linger minutes later on the breath.  Deep to mid deep throat sensation and flavour trap.  Sticky slight tight mouthfeel.  Subtle high feeling. Face warmth.  Nice emerging pear taste.

Third has a pungent soapy floral sweet chalky onset sticky slight tight mouthfeel with squeaky roof and gums.  Lingering sort of floral woody sweet on the breath and in the throat.  Some mild face sensations. Heavy shoulders release feeling is nice and reminds me of the nice bodyfeeling of 2006 YQH Shenpin Chawang  ….Some gentle high feeling. Slow expanding chest feeling. Nice body feel very nice!

Fourth has a woody slight sweet floral taste.  There is a mild bitter woody sweet finish.  Lingering faint candy in the aftertaste.  Some mild mid throat stimulation. Peaceful feeling with some face sensations. Cooled down it has a sugary watery pear taste with creamy sugar finish.

Fifth infusion has a mild woody sweet fruit taste.  Slight woody edges with chalky slight sandy sticky mouthfeel.  Deep cooling throat.  Lingering sweetness.  Mild peaceful feel. Cooled down it is a sweet woody chalky taste that turns into creamy sweet taste with cool breath.  

Sixth infusion has a woody sweet honey taste.  There is a sweet sort of wildflower honey sweet finish.  Peaceful slightly dleepy feeling Qi.

Seventh has a woody sweet onset with a honey wildflower finish.  Subtle fast moving bitterness.  Peaceful sleepy Qi feeling.  Heavy shoulders.  Sweet almost melon finish minutes later.

Eighth has a bitter woody onset with a quick moving bitter to soapy wildflower not much sweetness now and a slight tight drier mouthfeel m. Long cool breath. Some shoulder Qi feelings and chest opening with sleepy peace feeling.  Faint bready melon sweet taste minutes later.

Ninth infusion is left to cool and is a sweet woody onset with mid profile quick moving bitterness that turns to honey and wildflowers and ends cooling in the throat and slightly creamy sweet.

Long mug steeping has a bitter woody onset with a slight honey finish.  Sweet melon in the aftertaste. Peaceful sleepy qi feeling.

Days long infusion has a bitter drying slight floral slightly sweet almost fruity taste.  Pop of honeydew melon. Chalky full feeling. Chest beats strong with face tingling.


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