Sunday, August 25, 2024

Recommend! 2024 Essence of Tea Spring Yiwu Guoyoulin Ancient Treee White Tea


I have sampled a handful of these white teas made from material typically used for puerh over the last years.  Most memorably was the recent 2023 Tea Encounter Yiwu White Tea that was sent with the samples last year and that I thought I had posted… but didn’t…

This 2024 Essence of Tea GuoYouLin Yiwu White Tea goes for $83.00 for 200g cake or $0.41/g… a great deal considering this is probably the best white tea I have ever sampled…

Dry leaves have a light mossy forestry sweet almost hard to grasp melon or watermelon odour. Reminds me of first flush Darjeeling and, well, white tea….

I’m doing flash steeps at boiling here…

Rinsed leaves have a soft floral almost green grape odour.

First infusion has a soapy watery light sweet taste.  Light floral fruity grape with a nice oily lubricaning feel down the throat.  Soft opening Qi in chest. Oily light sweet almost floral.

Second infusion has a light sweet grape fruity taste.  There is an almost woody underneath with lubricating and slight dry finish.  There is a peaceful feeling and chest expanding focused mind. 

Third has an oily grape floral taste woody.  Spacy peaceful feeling with chest opening and light limbs.  Leaves have strong grapes odour.

Fourth infusion has a grape forest oily almost melon and not really floral smooth sweet taste.  There is a long smooth oily grapes champagne taste.  Peaceful relaxing energy.mainly oily taste but with slight drying.

Fifth is left to cool and is a honey grape oily smooth taste.  Woody oily sweet slight forest slight grape soapy taste.  Relaxing peaceful energy with chest opening slightly light limbs.

Sixth has an oily soapy grape forest taste.  Sweet almost melon taste.  Oily slowly grape.  Peaceful spacy qi.

Seventh has a woody oily melon oily sweet almost floral taste.  The tongue is a touch sandy and dry after.  Lots of initial taste with lacking returning sweetness is common white tea feature.  Peaceful qi feeling.  Open chest light limbs.

Eighth left to cool has a melon peachy oily taste throughout.  I’m left feeling peaceful with chest expansion and light limbs.

The long mug infusion of spent leaves pushes a bit of bitterness and astringency out along with one peachy melon and mainly a strong floral purfume soap.  The mouthfeel here becomes quite gripping and tight.  After it cools it’s a sweet oily woody melon peachy floral sweet taste with sticky mouthfeel.  Peaceful and easing qi feeling.  Finishes with a slight mouth pucker. Oily peachy melon taste.  Yummy!

I push it again for an overnight infusion and it comes out with a deep floral slight bitterness taste with edges of sweetness.  Deep and strong here. Very nice!

Like a first flush Darjeeling without the bitterness and intense black tea Qi and instead delivers a smoothed out mellow sweet approach with bigger Gushu Qi experience!  This is the best white tea I’ve sampled from materials that would normally be used for puerh- recommended!


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