Thursday, August 1, 2024

2024 Tea Encounter Walong: Drooling Out of Mouth Texture!


Tea Encounter has been releasing excellent Walong area puerh every second year it seems.  This year this 2024 Tea Encounter Walong goes for $154.89 for 250g cake or $0.62/g.

This Dry leaves have a creamy melon cantaloupe sweet odour.

Rinsed leaves have a sweet roasted forest odour… really delicious odour.

First infusion has a watery light airy sweet taste a delicate sweet taste.  Sugary layered fine light airy and refined.., super yummy.

Second creamy delicious sweetness with an airy creamy taste a bit creamy strawberries long sweet taste with wet mouthwatering feel.  Very delicious light airy and sweet. Chesty Qi feeling, excited feeling.

Third infusion is left to cool and has a really nice sweet transitioning taste very yummy!  An oily sweet creamy almost bitter with a mouthwatering saliva producing as the sweet creamy candy taste expands and explodes in the mouth.  Mouthfeel is thicker with a chalky fluffy feeling 

Fourth infusion has a creamy mouthwatering candy onset with a building sweet taste mouthwatering and a fluffy thick feel and a bit of sticky mouthfeel.  Sticky queenly gums slight faint pucker on tongue lots of saliva producing.  Chesty bubbling feeling with and excited happy mind.

Fifth infusion the pot clogged a few seconds… pops of fruity sweetness now with some sour faint bitter.  Cooled down it is more creamy fruity sweet- there is a layering and expansiveness to the sweetness.  Happy and excitable with a bubbling in the chest feeling. Oily wet mouth feeling with stickiness.

Sixth infusion has an oily fruity taste with mouthwatering and mild bitterness.  Some dry puckering taste.  Smooth creamy sweetness with edges of candy expanding sweet.  The cooled down infusion is bittersweet oily fruity.  Happy chest qi with excited mind.

Seventh - oops … busy day

Eighth is a creamy mild sweet taste oily and thick with wet mouthwatering like it’s drooling out of my mouth.. that’s right drooling mouthfeel!  Mild sweet now but still creamy and expanding.  Happy and excited feeling with heart bubbling chest excitement.

Ninth infusion is a bland mildly barely bitter with light sort of woody creamy taste.  Still thick oily with mouthfeel and salivating effect holding strong.  Faint fruit in the aftertaste.  Happy excitement and chest bubbling and heart racing feeling. Limbs feel heavy. 

I put the spent leaves into a long mug infusion and it is a creamy bitter onset with expanding candy creamy sweet taste that unravels with an oily long creamy salivating taste.  Strong chest qi with bubbling and strong beats!

2022 Tea Encounter WaLong Gushu

Dry leaves have a sort of grains and candy sweet odour now.

Rinsed leaves have a very sweet creamy strawberries and strong candy odour.

First infusion has a very smooth candy strawberries taste with a long deep throaty taste- wow deep delicious sweet creamy strawberry taste.  Thick viscus oily wet feeling with deep throat opening. Spacy high feeling with tingling limbs. Oh man such a nice and obvious Manzhuan Gushu feel right off the bat here!

Second infusion has a strawberries and almost rubbery forest initial taste.  Sweetness goes deep and long.  There is a creamy strawberry sweet taste over a fluffy creamy candy finish.  The sweetness stays on the breath for a long time and deep in the throat.  I feel strongly spaced out high with arms and shoulders tingling.  Minutes long creamy sweet. So nicely and deeply Gushu.

Third infusion has a strawberries and forest sweet long sweet taste in an oily mouthfeel.  Long forest and sweet pure long and deep throst sweetness.  Space out high with limbs and shoulders. Cooled down it is sweet creamy strawberry.  Long and into breath, deep and into pit of throat. Spacy high is pretty strong.

Fourth infusion has a fruity juicy creamy strawberries sweetness.  Long breath and deep throat sweetness.  Fluffy soft mouthfeeling and spaced out mind some should heaviness and light arms.  

Fifth is left to cool and is a juicy fruity peach with creamy sugar sweet finish. Layers of creamy sweet long deep taste.  Pure and uninterrupted.  Happy high spaced out feeling!  

Sixth infusion is left to cool and is a fruity almost peach juicy taste with a soft fluffy mouthfeel and oily mouthwatering effect. Space out!  Limbs light with heavy shoulders.

Seventh has a watery oily sweet almost peachy taste simple and less dense or deep or long but satisfying enough. Subtle spacy now with heavy shoulders and light limbs.

Eighth has a watery sweet taste with faint watery woody.  Sweet watery taste is left. Insipid and time for a mug steeping… faint candy hard to grasp in the finish.  Pure clear taste.

Long mug infusion of spent leaves is bitter woody with a sweet oily strawberries sweet strawberry jam taste.  Spacy high feeling is immediately apparent.  Some faint dry gripping sticky mouth as well.  

2020 Tea Encounter Wa Long Guoyoulin

Dry leaves are a woody grains faint fruity sweet.

Rinsed leaf has a very sweet pure creamy sweet strawberries odour.  

First infusion has a very sweet watery taste.  Mouthwatering sweet strawberries with sugary strawberries return long sweet finish. Pure sweet clear taste.  Spacy mind and high feeling.  Face tingling and mind. Saliva producing oily chalky feeling.  So sweet!

Second infusion has a cake pastry sweet fruity taste that returns to a creamy pastry icing sugar taste very pure and clear Manzhuan! Sticky mouthfeeling soft and oily textures.  Spacy happy feeling with stronger face numb and shoulders tingling bodyfeeling!

Third infusion has a sweet onset of strawberries and icing sugars.  Clear pure refined taste with soft and mildly sticky mouthfeeling.  Cherries strawberries long aftertaste left in mouth minutes later.  Subtle deep throat opening.  Sticky fluffy soft mouthfeel.

Fourth has a woody strawberry strong sweet taste with icing sugar and strawberry jam taste with open throat and long strawberries aftertaste.  Strong mouthwatering with very clear pure tastes. Yummy! Stronger body feel on the skull and face shoulders and limbs!  Cooled down it becomes even sweeter with creamy clear sugar icing sugar slight strawberries.  Slight grains and ghostly almost strawberries on the breath minutes later.  Stronger bodyfeeling of face and skull tingling and shoulders and arms numb.

Fifth infusion watery with a grains initial taste there is a retuning mild icing sugar and then a slow sweeter development of faint strawberry.  Watery grains woods and sweet now that the sweetness has significantly dropped off.  Cooled down it is a bit more creamy sweet with a woody taste and mouth stick slight driness.  Happy high with chest beats.

Sixth infusion cooled is creamy watery sweet strawberries. Slight woody grains. Sweet sugar finish.  Spaced out high.  Gave numb and shoulders heavy and tingles.

Seventh is a clear watery sweet strawberry edges. Watery with icing sugar edges in a clear broth. Slight woody grains cereals in the finish.  Empty slight sticky mouthfeel here… time for the long mug infusions…

It comes out woody grains with hard to grasp sugary edges.  Mainly a grains cereal blandness.

Comparison of 2020, 2022, 2024 Tea Encounter Wa Long-

First of all these are all named a bit differently and I believe all come from different gardens.  The 2020 has the most wild and ethereal feel of the group.  The most clear pure distilled taste.  It also has big bodyfeelings! The 2022 is the most Gushu feeling of the lot with the strongest Qi in the mind with strong spaced out highs.  It also has the deepest and longest sweet taste.  The 2024 has the best mouthfeel and textures out of the group with drooling out of mouth salivating effect.

I loved the comparison because these are all really good but different!

This concludes my sampling of these 2024 Tea Encounter Samples.  Thanks again Tiago!



Tiago from tea encounter said...

Thank you so much for the lovely reviews. You always put a lot of effort into them. The Chun Lei is indeed from a place very close to Laos near Tongqinghe but still within Yiwu. Thanks again

Matt said...

Thanks again for offering me and the readers an experience of your new line up!