Friday, August 2, 2024

2016 Zheng Si Long Ge Deng


I am a fan of these Zheng Si Long Ge Deng area puerhs.  I caked the 2018 but did a nice comparison on these products in this post here.  That comparison post was missing the 2016 Zheng Si Long Ge Deng.  I was actually eventually offered a free sample of the 2016 maybe a year or so later but never got to sampling it.  Then it also sold out… Not sure what I was waiting for but probably other related samples to compare…after sampling the 2024 Tea Encounter line up I decided that I would sample a few others that I had not yet sampled from Tea Encounter…. And, well, I was just craving Ge Deng having not had one in years… 

Dry leaves have a sweet woody creamy sort of faint spearmint odour.

Rinsed leaves creamy sweet woody pungent odour.

First infusion has a sweet creamy woody slight pungent taste.  Lubricating oily texture with some chest opening and beating.

Second has a slight bitter pungent onset with a woody and creamy sweet mid profile.  Cooled down it has a pungent creamy almost candy sweet onset with a caramel finish.  Chest Qi is sting with beats and a lingering long caramel candy finish.  Mouthfeel is slight tight sticky with a mid deep throat opening and some mild stimulation.

Third infusion has a quick bitter that moves to sweet with a creamy long candy and caramel layer.  Bitter to sweet allows for a splash of sweet to hit.  The throat feeling is slight tight and stimulating allowing for lots of saliva with a long lingering candy and caramel bi-layering. Cooled down it is a creamy sweet pungent slight woody Forest cool breath lingering candy sweetness.  Slight sticky feeling with mid throat stimulation and salivating!  Chest Qi with beats and opening sensations.

Fourth infusion is left to cool and has a creamy sweet chalky candy caramel taste.  Smooth with a cool returning creamy candy.  Some chest beats and open chest sensations.  Sort of fluttering chest feeling.  

Fifth infusion has a fruity sweetness initially with creamy cool candy aftertaste with caramel layers. Cooled down it is creamy candy sweet with a cool breath pungency and sweet candy and caramel bi-layering.  Sticky mouthfeel and some mid throat opening. Chesty open heart beats qi.

Sixth infusion has a fruity creamy sweet onset with pops of flavour.  Cooled down it has a lot more sweetness, fruity initial and candy finish with caramel layering.  Chest Qi and beats and opening.

Seventh infusion has a pungent sweet creamy fruity candy woody cooling pungent finish.  Sticky almost drying mouthfeel.  Chesty Qi opening.

Eighth fruity bitter woody pungent mouthwatering candy creamy caramel sweet return with pungent cooling breath finish.  

The ninth infusion was left in the cup last night and today is sweet woody with a caramel creamy sweet candy cooling finish.

10th and 11th the next day are sweet fruity cooling pungent with woody edges a a cooling pungent sweet caramel finish with chest Qi.

Nice clear Gedeng character with a sweet layered presentation… could have taken this a bit longer…

Long mug steeping of spent leaves is left overnight and it is a creamy sweet pungent spice with an oily fruity sweetness and finishes with coco.  Very oily with lots of saliva producing mid throat.  

All of these Zheng Si Long Ge Deng productions are quite nice Gedeng profile for the price…. This one is no different!  If my memory and re-reading the notes on the other Zheng Si Long Ge Deng this one is most similar to the 2017 with a very reliable classic Ge Deng taste profile.  I should check to see if I have any left in these samples to re-try and compare…

The Weekend Sessions tasting notes


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