This was my first panicked purchase after realizing the
puerh stash was dwindling. When the
shock wore off I immediately thought to myself, “Who has the most accessible selection
of semi-aged puerh out there?” Yunnan
Sourcing came immediately to mind. Upon
searching their old site to replace some of the cakes I drank through, I came
across this tea for which I have a long history.
I distinctly remember my first run-in with this burley brick
back in 2007. It was in a teahouse in
Korea and the owner kindly steeped up some tea from a brick that was not for
sale. We at the tea table were mesmerized
by the unique heavy but delicate tastes of this puerh at the time and, although
I never consumed any in the 10 years that followed, that tea left a positive
impression on me.
Back then nobody, I mean nobody, was talking about BingDao (“Ice
Island”) puerh. At the tea table we had
many discussions about what kind of raw material could give out such a unique
taste. But, at that time, we didn’t even
know that BingDao even existed- almost nobody did. The location of the material of these early Mengku
Shuangjiang Wild Arbour King (“Qiao Mu Wang”) claims to be from BingDao and
contain at least some of this old arbour material.
So when I came across this tea I was both excited, curious,
and relieved. I always thought to myself
that this tea would be a great example of a full, fragrant Lincang that would
be great for aging. Now, at 11 years
aged and most of its life in Kunming storage, I guessed that this tea would
have a nice leg up at the ageing process while probably ready to consume right
now. The nostalgic red and yellow colors
of Scott’s old site was comforting and familiar to me- a space I could trust
and had a familiarity navigating. When
it showed that there were only 6 of these 1KG bricks left in stock for $140.00 a
piece (only 0.14/gram) all six bricks, six whopping KG of puerh immediately
jumped into the cart. China ground
shipping took the full amount of time to arrive and 3 months later a heavy box
of these giant bricks arrive at my door step.
Please sit down, take some time out of your busy day, relax
and join me for this special tea…
Dry leaves smell of soft deep, if not slightly distant,
floral with a very nice tropical fruit odours embedded deeply into the leaves. These leaves are liberally packed into the
The first infusion opens up with full deep creamy malted
sweet medicinal tastes and a nice fresh strong returning coolness that dips
into the throat. There are undernotes of
slight hidden fruit and a slight metallic taste at the end. The mouthfeel has a nice powdery fullness and
it descends slightly into the throat nicely.
The tastes are bold and strong so I remove some leaf from the pot.

The second opens up with distinct florals in a deep pungent
base of slightly citrus fruity puerh cloaked by a malty middle aged syrupy
sweetness. The aftertaste is a cool metallic
floral sweetness. The mouthfeel is a significant
chalky fullness. The leaves have clogged
up my little tea pot so I move them to a larger pot and add the leaves I had
taken out. It is apparent that this tea
needs very little leaf. The qi of this
tea really stays in the head giving you a very profoundly relaxed even euphoric
high. A new tea term that I see lots of
lately is “stoner tea” to describe cha qi.
This tea has a relatively strong “stoner tea” effect.
The third infusion has a creamy banana sweetness that
lingers into a soft sweat floral tastes.
There is a full bouquet of malted slightly sweet but very distinct fruit
tastes that are revealed when this tea is steeped more lightly. It finishes with a very metallic taste.
The fourth offers very clean fruity notes of banana and
tropical fruits as well as interesting citrus in a crisp slightly powdery metallic
finish. The qi profoundly relaxes and
euphorically pushes the mind as if it has escaped my body, floating above it
somehow. Really great head qi in this
puerh. It doesn’t really linger in the
body as much at all- it just says right in the head.
The fifth and sixth continue to push out an interesting array
of fruity flavours in a fairly full mouthfeel.
A coolness is retained in the throat.
The seventh and eighth are long steeped and bring out slight
camphor wood notes with fruity florals underneath.
The ninth is left for a few hours and is now mainly woody
with a bit of faint fruit.
This tea is quite versatile in taste and quite stable in
Qi. When brewed lightly with less leaf
and shorted steeping times you get a very fragrant, fruity, floral tea that
still has some power to it. With a
heavier hand you will get deeper more syrupy and thicker medicinal notes like I
have gotten above. One thing is stable
throughout- its heavier sedating head qi.
Do I regret the rather spontaneous 6 Kg purchase of this tea? Not at all, but for someone whose favorite
profile is not the Lincang character I think I would have been just as
satisfied with 2 or 3 KG. For those that
are interested Scott has restocked this tea and is still selling them for
$140.00 for a hefty 1 KG of puerh. I
have to admit that I have a hard time knowing what is truly a “deal” these days
because of both the increased price of puerh and the fact that I have not
sampled a wide range of Lincang semi-aged puerh. However, this tea definitely falls in to my
category of “Good Tea” and for the storage, age, and price I consider it as such. I think it will continue to age into something
interesting but is great to drink now. I
have not encountered too many puerh that were this inexpensive with such strong
relaxing qi.