Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy 20th Anniversary Tea Masters Blog: 2019 Teamasters Lincang Wild Old Arbor

Congratulations to Stephane’s 20th anniversary of his Tea Masters Blog!!!! I have been reading that on and off for almost as long!  As a toast to Stephane I am sampling this 2019 Spring Wild Old Arbour Lincang free sample he had sent me a few years ago sealed air tight.  I was saving it for a special occasion and this is it!

Dry leaves have a vibrant strawberries and cherries almost floral odour.

Rinsed leaves have a very fruity fresh vibrancy to them with mouthwatering cherries, currants, and strawberries also a forest odour.

First infusion is the rinse and it comes off quite sweet watery and vibrant with grapes, cherries, plum, sweetness popping in the mouth. Thirst quench and refresh with a floating spacy mild feeling in the body. There is a long sweet finish with a faint rubbery forest subtly. 

Second infusion is left to cool and is very sweet with fresh fruity blend of taste.  The mouthfeel is oily and soft over the tongue the mind is spacy and shoulders float to the ears.  Overall pure quenching happy feeling.  Minutes lang returning taste is of strawberries slight floral and forest taste.

Third infusion has a buttery almost floral-forest taste.  Oily feeling with long sweet cool breath. I feel light with some chest lightness and shoulders floating.  Long almost banana taste in the profile with a minutes long return of forestry almost rubber.  With long cooling. Mainly banana and faint forest-rubber taste linger.

Fourth has a watery buttery sweet slight fresh fruity taste icing sugar sweetness bananas.  Cool breath with light fresh forest taste. Relaxing calm. Faint warm spice notes emerge and soft sandy feeling developing.

Fifth infusion has a spicy warming taste with forest and faint fresh banana underneath.  The spicy warm notes are dominant and a subtle opening chest feeling and light shoulders bodyfeeling.  Slight sticky sandy mouthfeeling.  Cooled down it has a buttery almost floral warming spice taste.

Sixth infusion is a watery slight sandy forest slight rubbery taste slight spice complex but lighter now.  Soft sandy sticky feeling. 

7th infusion has a spice woody Forest sweet taste over a sticky sandy feeling.  Chest and shoulders light feeling.

8th watery sandy texture not much left in this maocha.  Faint sweet and cool breath.  Spacy head expanding qi still in there…

In an overnight mug steeping of the spent leaves it is fresh cooling pungent almost minty.  There is a purest of fresh fruity berries and cherries in the minutes long returning taste.  Nice chalky oily sweet taste very pure and vibrant with deep loving Qi feeling and light chest and limbs.


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