Friday, July 5, 2024

Comparison Tasting: 2019 Tea Encounter Lincang Yesheng vs Tea Masters

It is rather fitting that I put this 2019 Tea Encounter Lincang Yesheng to a comparison tasting with the 2019 Tea Masters Lincang Yesheng that I posted yesterday.  This was the first Tea Encounter pressing I sampled way back in 2019- the first year they pressed their own puerh cakes.  You can see my original post here.  Just like I toasted Stephane for 20 years of tea blogging yesterday, today I toast Tiago and Tea Encounter for 5years of pressing cakes!  Like every year since, expect some posts on Tea Encounter’s latest 2024 line up!

Dry leaves have a sweet dry fruity woody bready odour.

Rinsed leaves have a very sweet cherries and bread sweetness.

First infusion has a grassy fresh refreshing lime and berries taste with rubbery forest faint and cooling finish. A rubbery forest returning minutes later. Open chest and spacy feeling.  The rubbery woody Forest taste is very long.

Second infusion has a fresh lime sweet bready mouthwatering onset.  With long cooling breath.  There is a sweet bready taste on the breath.  Strong floating body leaving effect.  

Third infusion has a sweet bready taste with long rubbery forest finish. The mouthfeel is sticky.  qi is floating and spacy.  Cooled it has a very bready sweetness to it more than rubber- forest.

Fourth infusion has a grassy lime sweetness with a bready sweet mid-profile. Long rubbery forest finish. Out of body with floating feeling with some energy from the chest beats. 

5th has a watery fresh refreshing taste of almost lime-melon.  Long rubbery forest.  Big qi floating with chest beats feeling.

6th ooops was a long infusion it has a vibrant lime- melon taste with a sweet bready finish.  Mouthwatering and thirst quenching.  Floating body.

7th watery lime melon with a long rubbery first after a sweet bready mid-profile.  Strong chest beats and face flush with floating out of body strong Qi.

Overnight mug infusion of spent leaves is fruity fresh and oily with long sweet taste.

Vs 2019 Tea Masters Lincang Wild Arbour

These are both wild teas/Yesheng of the same broader area and year- they also both have very dry stored with the Tea Encounter being dry stored with me since fresh and Temasters is sealed storage since fresh.  The Tea Encounter is much more powerful and in your face with strong bolder Qi sensation and more pronounced Yesheng/wild tea characteristics.  The Teamasters is really more ethereal and much smoother with a deeper feeling and strong bodyfeeling.  A nice comparison here!


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