Sunday, February 26, 2023

BHYJ Intro: A Good 2014 BaoHongYinJi Chun Yue Xiang Chun Lin

 I have been curious about the Boutique Puerh brand BaoHongYinJi for quite some time now.  It is famous for both its earlier Wanggong productions as well as their partnership with Wistaria Teahouse and their joint production specifically the 2013 BHYJ/Wistaria Tea House Zhenren Yufeng.  I have never tried any of their productions before so it will be fun to review a few here and get to know the brand…

I got this sample free for review but it goes for approx. $445.00 for 357 g cake or $1.25/g.

Dry leaves smell of florals and sweet creamy woody odours.

First infusion has a floral woody sweet taste. There is this faint long floral candy finish.  Light mouthfeeling but long breath sweet finish.

Second infusion has a woody fruity-floral onset with a long creamy floral taste.  Lots of long floral fruity creamy sweet taste in a soft mild chalky mouthfeeling.  Nice Chest expanding feeling.  I like the floral-sweet finish.

The third infusion has a woody almost sour onset that returns as creamy woody floral sweetness. The mouthfeeling develops a mild gripping that reaches down the throat.  The cooled down cup has a creamy sweet floral woody long taste that stretches into the aftertaste. 

The fourth infusion has a creamy woody onset with a long creamy floral taste.  The mouthfeeling has a mild gripping but a soft mild chalky texture. Qi has a chest expanding that leads to deep breathing and relaxing feeling.

The 5th has a woody sweet onset with an almost licorice and creamy floral finish.  Mild mossy mouthfeelnig and opening throatfeeling with some faint coolness and creamy floral long aftertaste with nice chest opening feeling.  There is a subtle dry sticky feeling on the lips and roof of mouth.

6th has a fruity almost medicinal onset with slightly woody tastes.  The woody almost pear with floral crteamy and woody resin tastes.  Mild sandy mouthfeeling with subtle throat gripping and long sweet faint fruity floral finish.

7th has a woody creamy almost but not really resin fruity floral sort of tastes.  The mouthfeeling is more chalky sandy gripping.  There is a long creamy fruity faint resin finish.

8th has a woody fruity taste with a woody fruity aftertaste.  Its becoming pretty simple now.  The mouthfeeling and throatfeeling have a sandy mild griping. Nice chest expanding and calming feeling.

9th woody watery watery fruity with a sandy dry mouthfeeling.  Long fruity aftertaste in the sandy drying mouth and throat.  Chest opening Qi with calming feeling.

10th is even more watery with a woody fruity taste and sandy slight dry mouthfeeling. Chest opening calm and relaxed vibes.

Overall, this is a pretty enjoyable standard Xiang Chun Lin experience- a bit better than most of the Xiang Chun Lin puerh I’ve tired but not overly so.   It’s a few years older than other Xiang Chun Lin area puerh I’ve had and earlier than the trend towards this area.  Floral sweet with nice calming chest opening Qi and mild mouthfeeling.  I like this area and this has to be one of the best I have tried.  Thanks Paolo for sending this one!

Shah8’s Tasting Notes


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