Thursday, January 27, 2022

2001 Red Ribbon Natural Malaysian Storage: Aged Malaysian Storage

I picked up a cake ($185.00 for 357g or $0.52/g) of this in my last order from Teas We Like.  It is the same cake but different storage as the 2001 Red Ribbon Traditional Hongkong Storage cake that is currently sold out.  This promises to be an cheapish aged drinker experience, I think… and in the Winter cold, I’m hoping its exactly what I need to get me through…

Dry leaves have a woody faintly spicy and mainly dry peaty odour.

The first infusion has a honey and oak taste to it with a very faint creamy candy finish.  There is a full and kind of tight mouthfeeling.  Nice cooling throat.  There is a nice woody dry peat kind of taste to it, almost nutty.  The cooled down cup is significantly nuttier.

The 2nd has a woody kind of creamy sweetness with a nuttiness that kind of comes out more in the aftertaste.  There is some coolness and some faint candy sweet finish.  The mouthfeel is a nice chalky tightness.  Nice mild energy feeling and some warming.

3rd has a woody teak oily taste with a nutty finish.  The oily mouthwatering texture is really nice as is the classic teak woody Malaysian storage notes turn to a rich nuttiness after a faint creamy subtle candy note.  Nice oily and salivating texture over a slight tight underbelly.  Nice energizing Qi.

4th is left to cool and has a woody plummy taste overall.  Nice oily texture with a slight dry tightness underneath.  Nice moderate energy in the mind.

5th is left to cool… and gives off a creamy oily sort woody and peaty but with a nice sweet creamy almost but not really candy creamy sweetness.  Nice oily texture and slight tight underneath mouthfeeling.  Nice unobtrusive energy boost.

6th is left to cool and is a plummy oily taste with some cooling breath and a creamy almost talc candy sweet but not really that strong more of a creamy woody sweet breath.  Nice harmonizing and feeling good feeling.

7th has a woody plum with a creamy sweet faint candy breath.  Still a bit oily chalky but also dry slight tight powdery mouthfeeling.  Nice moderate and leveling energy.

8th has an oily sweet wooody oily creamy sweet onset.  There is some faint cooling and a candy breath.  Nice slight dry chalking mouthfeeling with still some viscosity left in it.

9th cooled down cup has a nice coco chocolate woody taste up front.  Nice coco and wood aged taste here.  With still a nice thick viscus feeling in the mouth.  Nice thick mouthfeeling too. Nice energy feeling that is a bit warm.

10th has a nice coco chololate woody taste to it.  There are some nice woody oily notes in there with edges of a creamy sweet candy still.  Nice energy mild and warming mild.

11th has a woody oily taste now with a faint smoke incense barely even noticeable here.  This infusion is less oily and flavourful.  Nice energy not too much but feels good.

12th has a woody teak woody with a dry tight mouthfeeling with a bit of oily saliva producing in the back of the mouth.  Drier than other infusions with a bit of cool throat but not much flavor anymore.

My first time I tried this one I thought less of it.  I’ve had a chance to try this one a few more times and it actually does much better pushed pretty hard with longer infusion times.  This is often the case with aged puerh and I would say that this one fits that description.  When steeped like this it really brings out the richer and plum tastes and feels oilier overall.  Overall, this puerh is all about showcasing a nice pure and almost typical good Malaysian Storage on a cake that is a solid familiar example of a factory style puerh of this age.  It also serves a purpose of acting as a nice comparison to the same cake that had Hongkong traditional storage previouslyoffered at Teas We Like.


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