Saturday, April 18, 2020

These Days Teas Taste Better

These days my teas seem to taste better.  They are the same puerh cakes which I have been drinking, in some cases, for many many years... But these days they taste better.. and in general make me happier than they did before.  Maybe it’s the company I keep and those who are drinking with me gong fu around the tea table.  My wife and very young children.  They are my tea masters now. To day my baby was clapping while chanting “Puerh tea, puerh tea, puerh tea!!!”.

Yes, there is a certain excitement about waking up and starting the kettle.  Something simple and routine.  A luxury in a time of restraint.  What puerh will I choose today?  Sometimes the baby gets the final say, sometimes they giggle and laugh hysterically when I pronounce the names in Chinese or the transliterations in English- a homeschooled language lesson I never planned.

They got good taste too... better than me maybe?  They always go for the gushu, semi aged usually!  Sometimes my wife just wants aged as we are experiencing a bit of a cold spring.  Often as tastes and energetic needs during the day diverge another puerh is started... and then there are the Korean made ceramic mugs filled with overnight and long steeps.  That tea table is a very busy place.  One big 90s Factory 1 yixing,  one even bigger shui piao.  Sometimes it’s too much puerh in a day... but never too much company or quality time.

These days my teas seem to taste better.



  1. A puerh family. Sounds great. :)

    1. Curigane,

      I think it’s better to share your enjoyment of such things to those you love the most.


    2. We just had a little baby. I hope he will enjoy this little hobby of mine. :) He better. I'm putting a few kilos of tea aside this year for him to enjoy in 20 years.

    3. Curigane,

      Many, many heart felt congratulations! Hopefully the tea is tasting better for you too these days!

