Monday, August 19, 2013

MattCha On The Move to Saskatchewan!

Regular readers of this blog probably noticed it slowly grind to a halt over the past few months. This was not due to a disinterest in tea or blogging but rather due to wrapping up in coastal Victoria, British Columbia and a move to the dry prairies of Regina, Saskatchewan. Through it all one has still been drinking lots of tea, in fact one is sipping on a 2013 Kim Jong Yeol Saejak purchased from O5tea.

One has already found that drinking tea in the prairies already has its challenges. Firstly, the most obvious is that it is so dry here one is a bit concerned how the aged puerh and Korean teas will do. Secondly, the water here has altered the taste of most of ones teas. The tap water is so hard even with a off odour to it. It makes all tea carry a funny taste and does little for the mouthfeel and qi. All residence of Regina combat the hard water with booth water softening devices and by drinking large amounts of almost completely purified water- both which are not great for tea. There will be extensive articles about how I approach this water challenge in the coming months.

One first thought that there would be no one to share and learn about tea here in the middle of the prairies. In Victoria one had Jared and Mi Yu Ki from Jagasilk, the urasanke Japanese Tea Ceremony circle, my puerh drinking bud Antoine, and my new found Korean tea drinking guru Greg Demmons - so many people to share, learn, and experience tea with (Never mind Pedro of O5tea and Daniel of The Chinese Tea Shop in Vancouver 3 hours away). As Fate would have it, an old Chinese tea master opened up a modest storefront tea house just two blocks from my office. We have already shared many older cakes of puerh together in the teahouse which is so similar to many unpretentious Chinese tea shops that it truly feels like you have left to China when visiting. There will be many posts on him and his tea shop in the coming weeks and months.

Tomorrow one has planed to post on The Half-Dipper's China Chadao event.

Until then...



  1. If you pass by Nelson, BC your welcome to visit my store opening October 1st on Ward street. Peace

  2. Water doesn't just affect the flavor of tea, it affects the flavor of all your cuisine.

  3. Cloud Mountain Tea,

    Will be sure to stop by next time. Nelson is a very interesting city for a tea shop. You will do well opening up shop there.

    Wishing you the best with this endevour.

    Tammy Quackenbush,

    Hahaha... yeah you are right! It impacts everything from the taste of food to the dryness of your skin.


  4. Welcome to the prairies. Its very dry here and water is something you will have to think of alot. Most of us humidify our houses in the winter (I do it both for my tea and for wooden instruments) as it gets even drier. I use bottled water or filtered water always and, of course, a water softener. I'm in Moose Jaw so our tap water comes from the same lake.

  5. Tim Jellow,

    Thanks for the warm welcome (its really a dry warmth though)! hahaha

    Thanks for all of the advice. I think I need to invest in a humidifier soon.

    Our water comes from a place called "Buffalo Pound"... Only in the prairies eh? hahaha

    If you are ever in town contact me and we can meet for tea?

