Wednesday, October 8, 2008

2008 Raon Mao Cha

This tea was produced in Yunnan by a Korean shop owner under the guidance of his Chinese teamaster who authored a few books about tea in China. He assured me that his puerh was made of high quality spring shoots.

The dry leaves smell of light and fresh green. The rolled leaves contain many of the whiter hairy variety. They are so wonderful to view.

The leaves hit the pot. Then so does the hot water. The odor that escapes from the pot resembles the scent of ddok cha- this tea is very green.

It tastes full of light fresh high notes. Mint, cool light creamy peppermint is one such note. It shares tastebuds with other more subtle light spices that dance on the tongue. A nice sweetness is initially apparent then slowly slides away. Everything about this tea is cool in nature, like tasting freshly fallen snow melting on contact with the tongue.

The aftertaste is soft and sweet. The initial taste makes up for what the follow through lacks. Weak astringency follows cool to complete the mouthfeel of this tea. The qi of this tea is efficiently strong but clean and definitely not overpowering.

The wet leaves are full of small tips some connected to branches. There are no big leaves found here just a plethora of full, small, spring growth. As one spills these leaves onto a ceramic coaster, one gives thanks to these leaves.

One is content with the purity and simplicity of this tea. It truly lacks any deep nuances or over-the-top tones. It's just a light smooth tea. There is something about this tea that reminds one of the 2008 Nok Ya Won ddok cha, perhaps its green smell or even its taste, or energy. Either way, somehow this puerh carries with it a distinct Korean feel.



  1. Hi,

    I'm Philippe from the french tea blog "La Galette de Thé". I find your blog very intersting. I just discovered it today !! So I added your site to my english tea-links !!

    Good continuation.

  2. Philippe,

    Your blog is also quite interesting. Love your pictures of yixing pots.

