Monday, June 10, 2024

Top Gushus!!! Teas We Like Gushu Samples

 Hi there! Wow! I am just blown away by these three Gushu samples that were on sale at TeasWeLike.  These were by far the best samples I’ve tried all year.  Actually some of the best Gushu ever!  They are in order I sampled them…  2004 Nannou Gushu, Old Tree Bulang Blend, Old Tree Bulang Single Origin.  It was suggested that you sample them comparatively and so I did in back to back days… amazing and glorious days!  They all had what seemed like the same storage on them with approximately the same age.  

I hope TeasWeLike offer more of these high end limited sample packs.  I certainly spurs me into putting through a purchase. I had just finished sampling the whole 2004 Yang Qing Hao line (posts are coming!) and followed up with these to see how they compare to Yang Qing Hao and these were really quite a bit better than the Yang Qing Hao 2004s in every way…

Posts on these to follow…


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