Monday, June 10, 2024

Teas We Like Old Gushu Comparison: 2004 Nannou Gushu

There are still some of these 2004 Nannuo Gushu sample packs available at $75.00 for 20g sample…. For some of the best puerh I have ever tried, it’s worth it!

Small tightly compressed dry leaves have a woody cereal odour.

Rinsed leaves have a woody, plum, roasted odour.

First infusion is left to cool and gives off a watery clear sweet taste… to compressed… there is a mild return of sweet taste.

Second has a fruity perfume incense plum and pear sweetness clear pop.  Vibrant sweet fruit tastes with a subtle resin base vibrant and long pear taste.  Mouthfeel is chalky. Storage is a nice drier storage on this.  Subtle spacy feeling.

Third infusion has a woody perfume resin plum grape vibrant sweetness.  The cool infusion has a sweet perfume plum resin clear vibrant taste.  Calm spaced out mild feeling.

Fourth infusion has a resin and pear taste.  Very clear and vibrant with a lubricating and oily mouthfeel with chalky tongue and mouth finish.  Mild spacy and deep relaxed feeling.  

Fifth infusion has a fruity plum/ pear / loquat taste with a strong resin base oily and lubricating mouthfeel with chalky tongurme underneath amazing top notch mouthfeels here!  Spacy deep relaxing mind slowing calm.

Sixth infusion has a resin and plum onset with an oily lubricating mouthfeelng.  There is a chalky dry tongue and back of throat feeling.  Lingering sweet taste.  Slow strong heart beats and mind slowing deep relaxing.

Seventh infusion has a vibrant loquat, plum fruity taste with a woody resin background.  Lots of vibrant pure sweetness with present resin wood.  Amazing mouthfeel that lubricates oily feeling and has a chalky full feeling after and deep into the throat.  Mouthwatering with subtle coolness and sweet friity resin.  Big qi slow strong strength emanating from heart.  Euphoric calm.

8th has a vibrant sweet pear plum fresh pure fruity taste.  Mouthwatering oily salivating wet mouth with chalky tongue and mouth deep the air feeling.  The taste sort of just fades out but stays in the saliva and throat.  Big euphoria and chest opening feeling.

9th has a vibrant sweet fruit plum taste with a subtle dirt resin background mouthfeel starts to get more gripping but still also a bit oily and mouthwatering - big chest w qi with slow beats open heart and mind stopping euphoria. Best Nannuo Gushu for sure ++++++ long lingering fruity taste in saliva.

10th has a woody resin almost coco bittersweet taste with more gripping mouth and throat- nice mouthfeel evolution in the session.  Some fruits in the distance and saliva.  Big Wu Jie brow sweating.  

11th dry woody dirt resin with oily and dry gripping with fruits in the saliva becoming more dry woody dirt but still vibrant big Qi feels.  Subtle coco bittersweet and dry wood finish in the dry mouthfeel.

12th the flash steeped liquor is left to sit in the cup overnight.. it has a dirt woody slight sour and salty taste with some bitterness and cooling not that sweet more bitter, salty, sour… chalky mouthfeel.

13th is flash steeping and is a juicy fruity almost fruit juice pear and orange juice taste with sandy silty mouthfeel underneath.

14th is left to cool and gives off a pure pear orange fruity taste.  There is a chalky woody base with some creamy fruity sweetness in there as well.  

15th is left to cool woody dirt orange watery bitter sweet flavours.  Sandy sticky mouthfeeling with a bit of oily. Relaxing spacy.

16th is a long mug steeping and an hour later it has a woody dirt root veggies medically sweet taste.   Very sweet and oily viscus with slight bitterness but lots of complexity and deep Nannuo tastes.  Big chest beats.

The overnight infusion of spent leaves is a thick rich resin woody fruity almost orange and carrot sweet dirt. Very deep rich oily resinous taste and feel.  Overall still very sweet tasting with edges of bitterness. Still lots left in here so I put it for another overnight…

18th infusion comes out a watery dirt root veggie dry woody bitter sweetness.  

One of the best Gushu I have ever sampled and by far the best Nannou I have ever tired… what a gem! Try now!!!!



Peter said...

Any idea of producer?

Matt said...


TeasWeLike are blinding us to the producer but it sort of reminds me in production and quality a bit of older ChenYuan Hao but much better and not Yiwu…
