Sunday, September 15, 2024

Tops! 2024 ChenYuan Hao HuangShan Cha Wang Shu

This is the first sample I tried from the complimentary 2024 Yuan Chen Hao samples I recently received!  I sampled the 2023 version of this one last year.  The 2023 ChenYuan Hao HuangShan ChaWangShu came a bit later than the initial group of 2023 ChenYuan Hao samples I did end up sampling it but unfortunately I lost the notes and didn’t post it on the blog.  I remember it was similar to but enjoyed it maybe a bit more than the 2023 ChenYuan Hao ChaWangShu which I had sampled months earlier.  

This 2024 ChenYuan Hao HuangShan ChaWangShu goes for $220.00 for 100g cake or $2.20/g.  So far it is my favourite out of the 2024 ChenYuan Hao samples I’ve tried this week…

Dry leaves are very sweet creamy melon potato… mouthwatering delicious.  Vs the 2024 ChenYuan Hao ChaWangShu which is more pungent sweet the HuangShan is more sweet smelling and less pungent.

Rinsed leaves have a sweet forest pungent odour.

First infusion has a clear watery sweet onset with a pungent forest almost woody faint gamey taste.  Sweet faint long return.  Cooling faint sweeet breath.  Relaxing peace. Some shoulder lightness.

Second infusion has a banana creamy sweet onset with oily mouthwatering feeling in mouth.  Lots of deep throat opening with salivating return of sweet taste.  Chest opening feeling with light shoulders and jaw.  Peaceful spacy feeling with some head bobbling and mind floating away.

3rd has a mild bitter sweet onset with a lingering banana melon woody taste. Slight dry roof of mouth less oily texture.  Deep throat opening.  Jaw and face numb with shoulders light.  Open bubbly chest feeling.  Energetic calm with mind focused but slight spacy floating.

4th has a quick bitter sweetness with a floral soapy melon potato taste.  Pop of complex sweet floral tastes with a sandy mouthfeel and deep throat opening.  Sticky sandy mouthfeeling. Spacy focusing floating feeling with jaw, shoulders light and chest opening.  Spacy tingling feeling while body buzz!

5th juicy fruity burst with mild bitter sweetness.  Oily texture with sticky sand underneath.  Oliy sweet juicy pop then sandy sticky coating left behind.  Spacy coating mind with sharp focusing energy is contrasting but works the effect is a strong qi experience.  Melon sweet taste is left on the breath.  The body is tingling and airy with limbs and shoulders face and jaw open chest feeling. Vibrating feeling!

6th has a bitter sweet woody oily potato melon type of sweet taste the sticky almost dry sandy feeling really coats the mouth and is exposed after the oily sweetness recedes.   chest expanding and bubbling is strong with energetic spacy focus. Body and face tingling with airy floating libs and lots of shoulder things. Buzzy calm is contradictory 

7th has a sweet dry woody potato melon onset.  Strong spacy energetic high.  Body vibration and light softness airy limbs and big expanding chest opening.  Spaced out with strong focusing.  Strong contradicting Qi in body and mind is not disorienting but rather adds to a deeper Qi experience.  The oily/ dry sticky sand mouthfeel and bitter/ sweetness deepens the contrasting feeling that some how works well and adds complexity to this puerh.

8th has a watery woody onset with oily melon sweet return fine sandy mouthfeel.  Sweetness fades as mouth becomes slowly sandy.  Spacy energetic high with all the body things happening!  Tingling high art floating hyper space out.

9th has a sweet buttercup floral with slight melon finish.  Nice floral sweet balance oily.  The compounded qi feeling sends me up, up, and away….  Big chest feeling grounds me in my tingly body.

10th infusion is a melon woody floral oily mouthwatering thing. Cool breath and deep throat faint opening with mild saliva build up there.  Spacy high.  Mouthwatering floral sweet freshness with cooling finish.  Spaced out high with energy!

11th watery woody floral oily sweet with sticky lips.  Mouthwatering deep throat saliva build up.  Great transition through the session and stamina! Very enjoyable mid session to later session!  Very high feeling!  Good stamina in this one!

The long mug infusion of spent leaf is pungent spice and layered sweetness with an oily chalky texture and sticky roof of mouth.  Long deep sweetness sort of floral purfume in throat and breath,  ends in a candy melon taste.

This is an excellent ChaWangShu with complex opposing features and qualities of taste and Qi that make this a treasure to explore in its depths… it has great stamina as well! I liked this one a lot! As it cools it is more floral maybe with a sort of tingling mouthfeel.



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