Wednesday, September 18, 2024

2024 ChenYuan Hao GuoYouLin Gua FengZhai: Qi Comes Quickly!

This 2024 ChenYuan Hao GuoYouLin GuaFengZhai goes for approx $298.00 for 100g cake or $2.98/g.  I’m always a lover of the GuaFengZhai can’t wait to try …

Dry leaves have a sweet forest pungent vegital odour.

Rinsed leaves a a sugary sweet almost melon odour with is really mouthwatering….

First infusion has a sweet sugar pop burst with a wet oily fade out like sugar melting over the mouth and tongue so delicious… feel a bubbling chest Qi and. Mind lift.  Sort of like melon ghostly in the background almost roasted not really mainly a strong sugar melt in the mouth.  Strong Spacy happy uplift with a building chesty Qi feeling face sensations.

Second infusion has a sweet sugar melon forest pop of vibrant sweetness.   There is a bit of roasted hay grains and sticky chalky feeling with deep throat opening and simulation with some saliva producing. Big Qi hits with a spacy happy it cones like a wave overtaking you and finishes happy with some mild face sensations and big chesty feeling building up.  Rejuvenating feelings.  Strong qi.

Third infusion has a creamy melon potato pop of vibrant taste with a bit of faint pucker that follows and throat stimulation a lime melon finish with chalky sticky feeling faint bubble gum tries to breath through in the aftertaste with a somewhat pucker finish,  overall sweet melon mild pucker.l almost floral.   Spacy strong high with limbs light face sensations big opening expanding chest.  Face sweats.

Fouth infusion has a floral soapy sweet taste oily with a melon floral potato forest finish. Sweet through with a lingering light pure sugar taste and sone first finish.  Slight pucker.  Strong spaced out Qi with face sensations.  Airy limbs and big opening chest feeling.

Fifth infusion has a sour sweet melon lime onset there is a forest slight pucker to it more watery and less sweet.  Long cool breath with lingering almost sugar sweetness on breath but a dry mild woodiness develops.  Space out with warming face.

Sixth has a wet watery melon sugar not as sweet taste.  Lingering melon sugar aftertaste with soft silty mouthfeel.  Qi has also dropped off a bit with a mild spacy high and warming face.  Silty fine sandy feeling.

Seventh has a woody watery less sweet sort of bland woody bitterness sandy mouthfeel. Warming face and bit spacy with warming chest.  This has much less stamina especially compared to the two different 2024 ChenYuan Hao ChaWangShu options.  Big Qi comes quickly with flavours but fades early. 

I put the spent leaves into a long mug infusion and it has a bland woody almost floral taste in a sandy mouthfeel.  As it cools it’s more of a melon sugar bitter woody taste. Days infusion is a sweet pop of taste sweet with an oily slight woody pungent forest taste.  There is a bit more deeper forest taste in here in this long infusion than I would have thought….


1 comment:

  1. Matt,

    It would be interesting to have your opinion/ comments on the value proposition of these super expensive brand new teas. After all for $3/g you could get a really really good decently aged tea.
