Monday, September 9, 2024

2020 Fu Shun Gao Legacy (The Beast): Blended Bulang Beats!

I received this 2020 Fu Shun Gao Legacy “the Beast” (approx $670.00 for 357g cake or $1.88/g) as a free sample with my last purchase from  It is another high quality blend of 2015 aged maocha from the same producer as the 2016 Ethereal which I sampled back-to-back days. 

Dry leaves are a smoky bitter smelling thing…. Very delicious too me!

Rinsed leaves have a very subtle bbq smoke that someone could miss.

First infusion has a watery woody creamy bittersweet.  There is a vegital woody taste.  Creamy sweet no fruity tastes here. Maybe orange peel?  Soft creamy orange finish.  Strong heart beats developing.

Second infusion has a vegital bitter creamy sugar bittersweetness.  Oily mouthwatering with fluffy soft mouthfeeling.  Almost sugar candy hard to grasp sweet return.  Sweetness is left in the mouth. Strong chest beats with spacy mind. Subtle bbq some that is barely there.

Third infusion has a watery creamy sugar sweetness.  There is a vegital woody bitterness with creamy finish.  Spacy mind happy feeling.  This tastes and feels like Bulang material to me.  Fluffy mouthfeel with some bitterness gripping.  Happy strong heart beats and sighs and spaced out feeling.  Energizing boost!

Fourth infusion has a watery melon vegital bitter sweetnes! Chest expanding creamy chalky sweet finish.  Long creamy sweet finish return subtle smoke bbq and vegital bitterness with strong energetic feeling building with strong chest beats and overwhelming strength building.  There is done melon taste in there.  It’s Bulang material here. Vegital bitterness is left in the mouth minutes later.

5th is left to cool and is a slight smoke melon fruity but mainly sweet creamy mild bitter vegital taste.  Faint smoke sweetness very faint smoke with more melon creamy sugar sweet than smoke.  Spacy relaxing feeling now. Rises leaves have that bitter smoke Bulang odour.  Either a Bulang blend or wider blend maybe but not very Lao Ban Zhang even though you can imagine some in here.

6th has a sweet melon creamy sweet taste with a mild bitter finish.  Oily mouthfeel with a slight almost banana returning.  Big chest beats but Turing relaxing.  Sweet mouth finish with not really much smoke.

7th has a sweet oily woody bitter vegital is mild and bitter woody with some cool and creamy sweet return.  Spacy with relaxing feeling now.

8th has a oily fruity sweet with a vegetal bitter taste.  Sweet slight faint smoke.  Very much Bulang but more refined than rugged!

The long mug steeping… has a smoke bitter vegetal with an oily mouthfeeling.  Some woody smoke with underlying sweetness and cool breath.  Spacy relaxing floating vibes with chesty Qi feeling and some jaw tingling.

Overnight infusion of spent leaf is a vegital bitter with oily sweet bright fruity undertones.  Big chest opening energies with deep sighs and energetic feeling.

Big deep energetics with great Qi sensations again!  This source from is my favourite after ChenYuan Hao and Old Man/ Daniel… of course these two samples were both expensive examples (pictured top is the 2020 Beast, bottom is 2016 Ethereal).

Alex’s Tea Notesb
