Monday, September 2, 2024

2017 Essence of Tea Spring Yiwu Daqishu: BiYun Hao-ish

This 2017 Essence of Tea Yiwu DaQiShu ($108.00 for 200g cake or $0.54/g) spent a bit of time in another’s storage before being sourced by The Essence of Tea.  Sounds like it is sourced from the same farmer that supplied the SanJiaZhai material in the 2024 Essence of Tea 15++ cake which I very much enjoyed!

It was included in the package of 2024 Essence of Tea puerh samples that were free for review.  

Dry leaves have a prune plum strong sweet dried fruit leather odour.

Rinsed leaves have a deeper plum sweet odour…

First infusion has a rich creamy coppery vibrant plum taste. Has a candy bubble gum sweet l vibrant taste throughout.  With oily wet mouth and lots of saliva producing.  Oily wet sweet.  With a happy high feeling.

Second infusion has a round sweet oily plum dried fruit pop of taste.  Very mouthwatering effect.  Very sweet which turns to a candy bubble gum sweetness. Sticky mouthfeel.  Happy high spaced out feeling is getting stronger feeling.  Sighs. Stress and tension release.  There is such a nice vibrant sweet taste here.

Third infusion has a sweet plum onset with oily mouthfeel.  So vibrant and sweet shinny brassy plum sweetnesses.  Returning candy plum in the finish.  Happy high feeling.  Cooled down it has a wonderful sweet taste dried fruit with faint resin woody.

Fourth has a fruity sweet floral soapy sugar onset with juicy saliva producing feeling.  Happy highs.  Oily sticky mouthfeeling with deeper throat gobs. Reminds me of a newer BiYun Hao in taste and feel and production.

Fifth infusion has a creamy pungent sweet woody taste.  It has a longing sweet pungent resin woody taste in there.  Plum dried fruity turns into a sweet candy-like dried fruity taste.  Mouthwatering effect with soft sticky feeling.  Happy high feeling. 

Sixth has a plum, dried fruity resin woody with a sweet candy pop return taste.  There is this sweet sugar note throughout so a layered and evolved sweetness.  Saliva producing with a sticky mouthfeeling underneath.  Happy spacy sort of sleepy high.  Cooled down it is a sweet plum sugarcane taste with some honey.  Nice sweet layers and subtle resin suggestions.  Candy sweet finish.

Seventh has a sweet honey plum candy sweetness more candy to finish.  Soft slight sticky mouthfeel.  Sleepy Qi. 

Eighth has a woody sweet plum onset less deeply sweet with an almost sugar woody sweet taste.  Soft sticky mouthfeel happy sleepy feeling.

Ninth has a sweet sugar woody taste.  Mouthfeel is soft… happy feeling and comfortable body feeling.  

The long overnight thermos steeping… has a sweet dried fruit taste with a slight woody resin taste. Nice happy feeling.

Feels and tastes a lot like BiYun Hao with similar area, quality, and production… I sampled a few of these BiYun Hao to compare but none of the cakes and samples I had was close to this one… must of finished that sample… either way this Da Qi Shu is really nice!


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