Saturday, July 20, 2024

2024 Tea Encounter Line Up


I really look forward to this every year! It’s my chance to try the freshes pressing of the seasons puerh from a vendor I know well- Tea Encounter!  This year they have a few secret garden offerings which is the first time they are doing that- I’m most curious about trying these and will try to give you a guess on them! They are the 2024 Tea Encounter Yiwu Fei Cui and the 2024 Tea Encounter Yiwu Chun Lei. They are also offering a 2024 Tea Encounter Tongqinghe Gushu first time they did this- I am most excited about this sample!  

Guafengzhai! I also look forward to trying some other micro areas of GuaFengZhai that they are offering- 2024 Tea Encounter.  Tea Encounter has a bit of specialization/ a good contact in GuaFengZhai so I’m looking to exploring an area outside of Chaping and Chawangshu with them this year with their 2024 Tea Encounter Guafengzhai BaiShaHe and 2024 Tea Encounter Guafengzhai HeiShuiLiangZi.  They also got some of my steady yearly favs in there too … from GuaFengZhai as well as from the other area they focus on in ManZhuan.

Join me as I sample these freshies…



  1. That Heishuiliangzi seems like the only representation of that grove that we can get in the Western market. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on that one. Hope to see your reviews soon.


  2. I'm still interested in the YQH retasting you anounced a couple months ago FWIW.

  3. Sub10,

    Trying those GuaFengZhai sub areas were a lot of fun! I’ll post in the next days here!


    Hahaha… yeah there are a few reasons I got derailed from the YangQingHao Comparison… I got through the 2004s but realized I’m missing some 2005, 2006, a few other samples so had to order them… then got too busy to sample for a bit, then summer hit so wanted to tackle the fresh stuff while it’s hot… anyways look for the posts on these in the next month… its still happening!


  4. Looking forward to try the 2024 teas aswell - just ordered samples at the weekend :-)

  5. I'm looking forward as well to see those YQH revisits. Seems like it won't be possible to order samples directly from Yang's storage from now on, or at least that's what Emmet said that Yang plans to do.


  6. Alex,

    Look forward to reading your notes :)


    I ordered these between the different webstore construction so was ordering them on memory and will do my best to track these other samples down. Expect a full reporting soon!

