Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Puerist Blind Dragonball Sample #2


Dry leaves have a creamy sweet odour.  Smells like a creamy sweet Yiwu! Hahaha 

Rinsed leaves have a very fresh rubbery sweet orange odour.

First infusion has a pungent spicy savoury vegital sweetness.  There is a sweet taste throughout.  It tastes very fresh 2023 or fall 2022 I think.

Second infusion has a slight coco woody Forest taste.  There is a faint bittersweet woody coco throughout and a slight sticky mouthfeel.  

Third infusion has a watery coco melon fruity taste over an icing sugar sweetness.  The icing sugar sweet really expands in the mouth then fades as the faint coco drops off first.  Mouthfeel is wet and very mouth watering.  Mild relaxing feeling with slow breaths.

Fourth infusion has a creamy faint coco sweet taste very pure and clear taste with no bitterness lots of mouthwatering wet mouthfeel with long creamy sweet finish.  Some faint gripping mouthfeel with squeaky teeth. 

5th has a coco faint almost savoury forest vegetal onset with a watery wet mouthfeel and woody sweet almost melon finish.  Done slow chest beats and calm focused mind. A big relaxing wave hit me from the Qi here.

6th has a coco creamy woody almost dirt coco onset.  Overall pretty sweet and not reallly bitter.  There is a nice wet mouth feel and salivating from slight mild throat stickiness.  Some face flush and waves of relaxing. Chalky fruity clear sweetness with some banana peel taste.  Warm face deep relax slow breath.

7th has a watery woody creamy almost banana peel forest taste.  The mouthfeel is wet and slightly sticky.  Watery sweet woody faint coco.  Chest opening with chest beats and warm face.  Waves of relaxing almost time slowing.

8th has a watery woody coco fruity light flavour onset.  Very light pure flavours.  Light but mainly sweet.  Some faint tropical and banana peel.

9th infusion has a watery melon fruity taste with a creamy chalky sweet finish.  The next day I sip the last half of liquid left in the cup and it’s a cooling pungent forest slight salty taste with sweet fruity banana finish.

10th infusion is a smooth creamy tropical fruity oily sweet onset.  Lots of mouthwatering and almost candy sweet returning. Wave of spacy relaxing with chest opening. Soft wet slight chalky mouthfeel.  

11th is left to cool and has a creamy fresh fruity sweetness oily meet mouthfeeling.  Nice clear pure tastes.  Open chest feeling with relaxing waves.

12th has a sweet watery melon taste.  Pure and clean with a more creamy candy return.  Soft wet mouthfeel. Spacy waves of relaxing.

13th has a woody Forest salty taste slight woody mainly faintly sweet almost melon. Still stronger chest opening and relaxing spacy feeling.  

Long mug infusion has a creamy chalky vegetal slight bitter taste with a slight gripping mouthfeel and sweet lime flavours.  Sweet complexity in here.  Overnight it has a sweet lime fresh sweet almost melon taste with an ashy woody taste. Sticky sandy dry puckering with pops of very sweet almost candy returning sweetness.

Guess: 2022 Da Miao ( a common favourite production of Purlerist) or other Northern Yiwu area

Wrapper: C’21 M Sai- Must be a 2021 Man Sai!

Mark Turners Comments: The Man Sai is also a bit of an outlier. It's from a village near Kyaing Tong in Burma/Myanmar. It definitely has aspects that are more Yiwu-like than say Bulang Shan to which it is geographically much closer. Maybe more akin somehow to Xiao Meng Song?

Addendum: this 2021 Puerist Man Sai goes for approx $90.00 for 200g cake or $0.45/g.


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