Monday, November 21, 2022

2015 Puerist Autumn Gua Feng Zhai

This was a complimentary sample for review but the cake goes for approx $63.00 for 200g cake or $0.32/g.  Its pretty cheap for even Autumnal Gua Feng Zhai so let’s see what that’s about…

The dry leaves are a dry sweet fruity woody odour.

The first infusion has a peachy pear onset with oily texture there is a bit of spicy tastes in the mid profile then a woody finish with a deep cooling throat and mouth.  The oily lubricating texture is nice as well as the long peachy pear taste which strings out from initial to aftertaste. 

The second infusion has that same satisfying peachy-pear onset with a woody mid- profile. Nice light and airy feeling with long pear-peach finish.  Woody taste is underneath this airy and unadulterated peachy pear.  The pop of sweetness initially is nice as well as some long deep aftertaste.  Nice elegant Gua Feng Zhai here.  Qi is mild focusing.  A nice slow long saliva release gives off a peachy pear oily taste in the mouth even minutes later… so nice.  Under the lubricating feel is a very soft mouthfeeling.

Third infusion has a strong woody pear onset with oily thick texture and lubricating feeling.  There is a deep mid throat coolness and full chalky motuhfeeling.  There is some chest opening feelings and a wave of calm feeling in my body. Nice oily textures with full sticky chalky mouthcoating.  This has more upper throat stimulation and long peachy-pear-woody long aftertaste.  Nice full feeling in the mouth.

Fourth infusion has a woody sandy onset with lesser peachy pear notes.  The mouthfeeling is gripping with some floral appearing in the woody finish.  This infusion has more wood dryness than oily sweet peachy pear.  The upper throat is stimulated a bit.  Nice chest opening feeling with deep relaxing sighs.

5th infusion has a chalky pear and woody onset with an oily lubricating feeling.  The oily texture is nice and sweet with a syrupy pear taste when the liquor cools down.  The Qi is a strong calming and sighing chest opening Qi- very relaxing and quieting.  Nice saliva producing and long syrupy pear taste.  Qi is so deeply relaxing… so nice….

6th infusion has a honey woody bitter pear initial taste with a tongue tingling mouthfeeling.  Nice chalky woody pear taste is really long and the mouthfeel is almost puckering dry after the saliva retreats.  Nice strong spacey deep sigh relaxing with deep chest opening feelings.  Strong Qi for me.

7th infusion has a watery chalky woody onset with a bit of pear peachy at the periphery.  There is a nice cool mouth and stimulated top throat with woody chalky sort of sweet pear at the edges.  Big Qi of deep relaxing here.  A bit puckering astringent but with fruity edges and powerful arms floating away Qi.

8th has a watery melon sweet onset with a cool almost but not really menthol coolness that is really faint.  There is a long melon aftertaste that has a juicy and fresh taste to it.  Very soft light mouthfeelng now.  Simple tastes.

9th has a woody melon taste to it with a long faint melon finish.  The mouthfeeling is really soft now.  Strong Qi is euphoric.  Nice mellow sweet melon taste.  Very simple and clear now with soft mild taste and mouthfeeling.  Strong Qi sensations still.

I mug steep out the rest… the result is a woody bitter taste with melon and some foresty mushroom tastes.  Still very strong calming and warm waves of energy with limbs floating.  Strong Chest expanding sensation and limbs floating- very strong bodyfeeling here.  Overall, this one had a bit weak stamina in its flash steepings and falls into a simple taste relatively quickly but its still quite delicious and very satisfying in early infusions.  It can be enjoyed late into the session for its powerful Qi!

Vs 2016 Gua Feng Zhai Pure Ancient Tree from Paolo- Its amazing how close this mug steeping is to the 2016 Gua Feng Zhai from Paolo I had yesterday!  This one has more of a floral soapy taste in there vs the 2016 which had more mushroom taste.  Both are very Qi heavy as Gua Feng Zhai should always be.

Vs 2014 Puerist Auumn Pasha- these are both nice Autumn puerh which means great value.  The Pasha is all about its strong bitter backbone and the contrast between this power and its lighter nuances.  This 2015 Gua Feng Zhai is a very nicely balanced with its trick being the powerful Qi and bodyfeeling.




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