Saturday, January 18, 2020

Transcending Mediocrity in Life and Puerh

If we accept the two premises of that:

1- The same puerh production will have varying quality year to year regardless of how hard a vendor tries to keep things constant.

And that one of the main reasons for both of these premises is that puerh is one of the most sensitive teas to weather changes and that it is minimally processed.

Then we also must accept the premise that if we buy blind then we risk mediocrity.

This is one of the main reasons we shouldn’t buy a cake blind, unless it is a sample cake of course.  This is also one of the main reasons we should seek the advice of experienced bloggers and reviewers or at the vary least of a clear group consensus or strong word of mouth approval.

But the funny thing is that sometimes the marketing and branding simply gets the best of us and we buy blind.

Of course, you could simply not care as much as I do (Or maybe you care much more than me).  For some reason I really really care about the puerh I drink.  There are some things in life I am indifferent to and could really care less but most things I strive for great quality for the price I pay.  There are not that many things in my life that I put more time and energy towards than acquiring and experiencing a satisfying puerh.  I guess it’s just my thing but I can’t fault you if you put in a lot less effort and time.  But if you are an experiential drinker, wouldn’t you want a more nuanced or complex experience?  Or maybe you just don’t care and the experience of mediocrity is enough.

In life and in puerh we need to transcend the mundane.


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