Tuesday, August 6, 2019

The Best Puerh Bloggers Are Canadian, Eh?

Have you ever wondered why so many good tea bloggers are Canadian?  Almost all of my favorite current and active tea bloggers are Canadian.  They are either ex-patriots living in the USA, such as Char of Oolong Owl, or currently reside in Canada (I’m not sure if they are Canadian born or not) such as Marco of Late Steeps, and a newer blogger that I’ve been really enjoying lately of The Weekend Sessions.  There are also two very young puerh bloggers out there that I am also reading Tea Reviews and My Tea Journey.  Each and everyone of these bloggers have their own distinct style of blogging so I won’t say there is a distinct style of Canadian tea blogging.  However, I have come up with a few reasons why Canada, with a population less than California, turns out many more quality tea bloggers…

July 1st is a National Holiday here in Canada called Canada Day!  On this day during my meditation, I happened to reflect more deeply on this idea…

1-      I wonder if the long cold winter has something to do with it? Drink more tea and have more time inside to type out something a bit longer?

2-      I wonder if the British Influence and high Chinese minority (largest minority in Canada) have anything to do with it? 

3-      I wonder if the slower pace of Canadian culture? It is said that Canadians even talk slower… hahah conducive to slower tea, gong fu tea, ect?

4-      I wonder if the distant geographical proximity have anything to do with it?  Canada is a big country and the distance makes it harder to me up with tea friends.  Blogging seems like a reasonable way to connect.

5-      Canada produces great innovators, critical thinkers, and those that ask why?  Canadian news, education and culture is less about the sound clip or click bait and more about getting to the bottom of things and thinking about the reason why things are the way they are.  It is with this spirit the long format of the blog is perhaps preferred by Canadians?

6-      Canada some of the best tea shops outside of Asia- O5Tea in Vancouver and Camellia Sinensis in Montreal.



  1. Hey Matt,

    Its Shinzo from Tea Reviews, and first of all I would like to say a big THANK YOU for mentioning me out here, and I am so happy you were able to find my blog. I am very honored and feel worthwhile to know that people like you are viewing my reviews. Please let me know if there is anyway for me to message you privately.



  2. Shinto Shiratori,

    A beginners mind is a powerful mind that can cut through illusion and expectation.

    Thanks for reviewing.

