Friday, May 5, 2017

Invitation to You: Let's Restock a Puerh Stash Together!

So if you have been following the story so far...

I recently was surprised to know that my puerh stash was almost gone.
I have reflected on the reasons this has happened so it will never happen again.

So now I have to actually replenish my puerh stash and bring it up to the glory it once was... that's it.  Sounds like fun eh?

Almost immediately and most urgently I need to acquire some approximately 10 years aged sheng puerh so that I can drink it now.

Then I should also be thinking about acquiring some much cheaper new cakes of sheng puerh to age.

So that's the plan.

I have pretty much been in a puerh time capsule since 2013.  I have basically had no knowledge about what is going on with puerh tea since 2013 and have not really even paid to close attention between 2011-2013 when I spent most of my attention on Korean teas.  It will be so much fun to explore it again.  I wonder what I missed during my absence from the world of puerh?

So please reader, join me in this rediscovery of puerh and everything that goes with it.

Invitation to You: Let's Restock a Puerh Stash Together!




  1. Hi Matt,
    this sounds great. I wonder how much you'd save on younger Pu.. from what I've seen, it might not be much more affordable than the somewhat aged stuff by now.

    I hope that I'll be proven wrong though :)

  2. migg,

    Oh how times have quickly changed! I have to look into this more. Thanks for the tip.


  3. Hi Matt, I agree with miig, getting some slightly aged sheng from reputable sourče may be equally expensive as the new beengs - especially considering the fact that the vendors love to produče minibeengs (200 g) to cover the real prices. You can get some 10-15 years old teas for the price of better new stuff.

  4. Tuo Cha Tea,

    It's great to hear from you! I hope that you will join with this new movement (middle aged tea blogging crisis) and start blogging again.

    Thanks for the advice. This old puerh drinker is too wise to be tricked by those Xiaobings or Minibings !


  5. With a dropped jaw...we need a pic of you for the World Puerh Archives, exhibit Man Who Actually Drank it All.

    You might get a lot of ideas if you can say what you like in puerh.

  6. Cwyn,

    They'll have to use this pagoda avitar... hahaha

    Think I have about 13 cakes left though... some might argue that IS a stash but the way I've been drinking it it will be gone soon.

    I like good puerh- both the factory blended stuff and the single sourced stuff from Xishuangbanna. Cakes I drank up were from Bulang, Bada, Nannou, Mengsong,and mainly Yiwu. A few Lincang as well.

    PS I am loving Death By Tea!


  7. Emmett,

    A new English vendor

    Are you the Emmett on the home page recommendations?


  8. Yes, Emmett is the vendor behind that page

  9. Tuo Cha Tea & Emmett,

    Thanks for your help. Have a cake sample on order from the next group buy. Oh yes, we will be meditating deeply with Yang Qing Hao in the pot soon...


  10. how did it go? would love to see an update
