Friday, June 28, 2024

Puerist Blind Dragonball Sample #8


Dry leaves have a sweet almost cherry plum odour.

Rinsed leaves have a very sweet creamy sort of strawberries and mainly peachy fresh fruity smell.

First infusion has a sugar sweet woody watery infusion.  Nice long barnyard cool pungent pure sugar sweetness.  Pure clear watery tastes.  Slight mild sticky feeling in mouth.

Second infusion has a creamy sugar peachy sweet pure onset with a mildly oily slight sticky sandy feeling in mouth.  Nice cool breath.  Warm face and happy cozy feeling. 

Third infusion has a watery woody not as sweet taste but some faint had to grasp peach. Nice relaxing happy and even a touch warming energy.

Fourth infusion has a pure sugary sweet peach taste onset with a moderate oily texture.  The sweet oily peach taste extends into a long sweet pure aftertaste.  Nice happy deep sighs relaxing vibe with some warming face and brow.

Fifth infusion has a sweet fresh pure peach taste in an oily texture mouthwatering with another pop of peach with a deep throat feeling of saliva gob there.  Nice long peaches and pure sugar sweetness!  A big of qi in chest and heavy limbs. 

6th has a sweet peach onset with oily mouthfeeling and vibrant and juicy pops of peach.  Long creamy candy almost like those Fuzzy Peaches candies.  Chest release with deeper sighs and full mouthwatering oily peachy juicy taste.  Happy and focused mind.

7th infusion has an oily very pure peachy sweetness with an oily sticky mouthfeel and deep throat stimulation.  Ashy jucy peach with long sweet candy peach finish deep throat gob of saliva with chest chest and face warmth shoulders relaxed and open and heavy feeling.  Happy focused and refreshed mind. 

8th has a vibrant fresh peachy ashy taste with oily mouthfeel and deep throat gob with long peachy taste. Slight oily sticky feeling.  Qi is building up and feels big and euphoric but not spacey and strongly focusing now.

9th very juicy peachy ashy woody very sweet and oily with deep throat saliva producing effects.  Big almost transcendent Qi feeling.  It really pulls me out of this mundane day-to-day mind that Ai have been in and elevates it! Not sure where this teas is from but has some GuaFengZhai/ ChaWangShu/ TianMenShan type of strong quality Qi in there!

The next day I come back to the leaves…10th has a peachy oily sweet taste with sweet very sugary finish over a slightly sticky mouthfeel.  Deep throat gobs and expanding feeling.   Heat expanding feeling.

11th has a sweet fruity peach oily taste with a deep throat saliva gob expanding mind feeling and chest and abdominal feelings as well.

12th oily delicious peachy thick oily sweetness deep throat peachy saliva gobs and long sweet taste.   Nice big Qi feeling.

13th has a peachy oily watery sweet taste. Still bother Qi feeling but has posts lots of flavour.  Pretty good stamina.

Guess: a powerful 2020 ish Yiwu Gushu area possibly near GuaFengZhai/ChaWangShu/ TianMenShan? Not sure exactly … 

Wrapper: TMS ‘19… hahaha yes… 2019 TianMenShan!

This was my last of these Puerist Dragonballs!  Thanks again Mark Turner for sending them!


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