Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Puerist Blind Dragonball Sample #3

 Dry leaves have a creamy very sweet Yiwu odour!

Rinsed leaves swell of a muted dirt and brown sugar odour.  Smells more mid aged maybe…

First infusion has a dirt rubbery bland beets sort of tarte… not sweet at all. Warming qi and face flush. 

Second infusion oops a 30 second infusion instead of keeping with my 20 sec rinse, 20s, 15s, 10s, 5s, flash until spent for these Dragonballs… it has a malted caramel taste with an oily mouthfeel.  Sweet pure and oily tasting with some mouthwating and warm face.  Pure brassy and caramel taste. Subtle mild sticky mouthfeel. Warm chest and face.

Third 10 s infusion is slight melon caramel pure clean taste.  Slight mouthwating wet mouthfeel.  Cooled down it tastes watery with a faint floral brassy caramel. 6-8 years of age on this maybe. Warming qi in face and chest. 

4th infusion has a melon orange onset with a sweet and slight woody taste.  Sweet oily orange and orange blossom taste with warm chest and face and mildly spacy mind.  Long sweet orange tastes. Chesty qi. 

5th is left to cool and has a icing sugar onset with a creamy sweet finish.  There is a long lingering candy sweet finish minutes later on the breath.  Very strong chest sensations with a spacy feeling in the mind the juxtaposition of these sensations is a bit jolting and makes the mind wander.

6th has a watery sweet sorts melon woody bland onset.  Qi is pretty strong chest Qi like a vibrating in the chest with mind unsettling feeling.  Wow strong.  Reminds me of the qi of a strong Menghai or pasha but tastes like Yiwu.

7th has a melon oily sweet onset with a faint woody almost coco with subtle orange finish.  Strong unsettling chesty Qi warm face.  

8th has an ashy woody almost coco onset with a mild fruity peach orange sweet finish.  Mouthfeel has a faint driness now.  Strong chesty Qi and scattered mind.

9th has a brown sugar and fruity oily woody taste. Very oily and viscous feeling with woody slight sticky dry mouth.  

10th has a oily woody almost coco onset very viscus mouthfeel reminds me of Yi Shan Mo. strong unsettling chest s powerful with big chest sensations and tremor.

11th has an oily caramel and brown sugar sweetness there is some fresh fruity taste but background and an ashy woody brown sugar finish.  Lots of mouthwatering over a slightly drying mouthfeel. Big chest Qi and face warmth.  Qi is really strong and almost unsettling. 

12th I come back to the leaves the next day… it has a faint sweet taste with bland woody bark and a slight buttercup floral finish. Soft mouthfeel.  Big qi building up but not as strong. 

13th has a sweet oily slight coco banana peel bland taste with creamy sweetness mild in the aftertaste.

14th is left to cool and has a mild banana taste in lots of bland.

Long mug steeping of spent leaves has a dry slight woody dirt wood bark gripping mouthfeel with faint lingering fruity orange-peach taste. Big Qi still apparent in these leaves.  The overnight steeping is very candy sweet melon lime upfront with a vibrant dazzling melon sugar candy that fades fast. 

Guess: 2015-2018 Pasha? …. Hummm… not sure about this one… a bit confused by it… nothing immediately coming to me…

Wrapper: ALS’16- it’s obviously a 2016 AiLao Shan!


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