Sunday, October 30, 2022

2014 Mengsa: Power Value

 I didn’t check the site for this one before I sampled it and am not sure if they even had it up on the site yet as this was a complimentary sample.  This 2014 Mengsa Ancient Trees goes for approx. $188 for a 357g cake or $0.52/g.

Dry leaves still have a lot of fresh sweet smell but also woody odours.

First infusion is smooth creamy woody tastes has a mellow fruity initial taste in a watery slightly oily texture.  Nice long melon finish.  Very clean gushu feel.  Mellow relaxing and mind slowing off the bat.  Refreshing feeling.

The second infusion has a creamy sweet oily onset with a watery mouthfeeling with a woody almost grains base taste.  There is some fuzzy headed feeling and creamy sweet woody melon nuance. There is a nice mid-deeper throat opening. Relaxing waves of energy.  Subtle caramel note in there as well. 

Third infusion has foresty vegetal caramel creamy onset in a slightly gripping mouthfeeling.  Strong relaxing pull in the body.   Almost astringent has a coco finish on the breath with caramel.  Strong Qi with some Heart beats and warmth and heavy feeling- both relaxing and refreshing.  Strong Qi energized ones body as the Heart really beats strongly.

The fourth infusion has a strong woody spicy creamy woody fruity condensed onset with strong Chest beats that invigorate!  The texture is a bit oily and a caramel sweetness returns and stretches out on the breath.  I’m having a really strong Qi experience here with strong Heart beats bursts of energy and energetic hyper feeling euphoria.

5th infusion has a coco woody ashy slight astringent bitter onset with woody base and a melon creamy sweetness that returns in the aftertaste.  The texture is a bit oily and has a fine chalky feel in the mouth and deeper throat opening.  Huge Qi pounding in the Chest.  This Qi kind of reminds me of the 2007 Yang Qing Hao Qizhong.  Energetic high.  

6th infusion has a woody oily quick coco mild bitter astringency with a sweet brownsugar edge. The returning sweetness is of coco and slight melon.  There is this pop of melon candy flavor that is really taste here.  Mouthfeeling starts to become a bit gripping chalky.  Strong Chesty beats and invigorating mind melt.

7th is left to cool and gives a woody ashy bitter coco woody taste in an oily broth.  The woody and coco and ashy tastes are becoming more prominent with the sweet taste coming from the returning sweetness and is a sort of creamy brown sugar.  Strong chest beats and energy you can feel it in your temples.

8th is left to cool and gives off a woody a bit bitter and with a woody bittersweetness to it with the sweet taste now mainly in the aftertaste.  Flatter blander taste and mouthfeeling.  Still strong alerting stimulating Qi.  Some mild intense head stuffiness.

9th has a melon fruity sweet onset with developing coco taste very clear infusion here with nice trailing off coco finish.  Mild bittersweetness throughtout.  Strong Chest thumper.

10th has a melon sweet oily onset that slowly turns into a bittersweet coco.  These last few infusions the wood taste is gone and so is the astringency and they are really pure clean and tasty. 

11th has a sweet melon oily onset that slowly turns into a delicious bittersweet coco.  Strong Chesty Qi.  

12th has a watery melon sweet onset with some creamy brown sugar sweet woody finish.  The Qi strength is lessening but still strong.

13th same progression of tastes.

Overall, this is a superpowered Qi experience almost too intense and overwhelming at times! The taste matches the feeling with coco bittersweetness throughout.  The price is pretty decent for what you are getting here and I’m left wanting more… has a winner here…


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