Saturday, November 20, 2010

2010 Tea Trekker Spring Organic Yin Zhen White Tea

One requested information on this tea and got a handful of info from Mary and Bob at Tea Trekker. It was picked at the end of April/ start of May in a natural, non-pesticide/fertilizer plantation. The garden is 100% owned and picked by the villagers who then sell it to the factory for processing. The name of village or garden is Song Yee near Fuding, Fujian.

The dry leaf is terribly fuzzy with an abundance of white hairs probably- these are very, hairy leaves. The odour is soft, faint, light, woody, airy, sweet with even a slight fruity edge. These leaves tumble into the warmed pot and warm water follows.

The first infusion is extraordinarily light and airy on the tongue- it tastes like one is simply tasting the odour. It displays very slight floral notes and finishes clean, cool, with a pure, light sweetness. The crisp clean nature stands out. The aftertaste contains a light, sugary sweetness that sicks to the roof and back of the throat. There is almost a very light, dry finish as well.

The second infusion pours a bubbly, almost frothy clear liquor. A slick, light, and airy liquid slips over the tongue and down the throat. It ends quite pure and sweet in the mouth. This tea is incredibly clean and pure. There is just the slightest hints of fruit in the taste.

The third infusion is a bit more slick and there is a slight soapiness to this infusion. More fruit notes that lean towards grape become apparent as do slight sweet earthy notes. The aftertaste holds the flavour until it melts away into a fine dry sweetness.

In the fourth infusion, earthy, slight pungent notes meet with very clean sweet notes. As they merge they fill the mouth with a light, cool, sweet taste. The mouthfeel is thin but full, the very slight grape flavour has a soft soapy earthiness to it. The chaqi is indeed cooling- ones hands and feet cool, ones chest feels light and free.

The fifth infusion is full of light fruit flavours a very thin crisp dryness becomes more apparent in the mouth but is not at all astringent. The sixth and seventh infusions contain earthier, grittier, drier tastes which encroach upon what is left of the fruitier notes.

It is taken for a few more infusions but they turn out to be floral, sweet, and mostly flavourless.


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